Washington DC

India, Pak both partners of US with different points of emphasis: US

Washington, Sep 27 (PTI) India and Pakistan are both partners of the US with different points of emphasis, the Biden administration has said, a day after visiting External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar questioned the rationale behind Washington's USD 450 million F-16 security assistance to Islamabad.

Israel's 'savagery is not ending': Iran president tells UN

Israel's "savage power" and its "savagery is not ending", Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi told the UN General Assembly yesterday.

"The region has not seen an occupying savage power such as the Zionist regime in its midst in the past," Raisi said.

He explained: "The killing of children and women are present in the dark report card of the Zionist regime. It has managed to form the biggest prison in the world in Gaza and the expansion of settlements and housing illegally on Palestinian territories."

US expects more banks will cut off Russian payment system MIR

20 Sep 2022; MEMO: Steps that Turkish lenders, Isbank and Denizbank, took to suspend the use of Russian payment system, MIR, make a lot of sense, a senior US administration official said on Tuesday, and said the United States expects more banks will cut off MIR over sanctions risk, Reuters reports.

SpaceX seeks to introduce satellite internet to Iran

21 Sep 2022; MEMO: SpaceX will apply for an exemption from US sanctions imposed on Iran, in an effort to provide satellite internet service in Iran, AFP reported Elon Musk saying.

"Starlink will ask for an exemption to Iranian sanctions in this regard," Musk said in response to a tweet from a science reporter.

Starlink plans to launch 42,000 satellites and provide a global internet service.

US to send additional $756m in humanitarian aid to Syria

15 Sep 2022; MEMO: The United States has decided to send an additional $756 million in humanitarian aid to Syria, amid the "dire" situation millions continue to face in the country.

In a statement by Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, the amount is a further addition to the $808 million announced earlier this year that will go to "continue our unwavering support for the Syrian people".

US imposes sanctions on affiliates of Iran's IRGC over cyber activities

14 Sep 2022; MEMO: The United States imposed sanctions on Wednesday on individuals and entities it linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guard for what it called Tehran's "malicious" cyber and ransom ware activity, Reuters reports.

The sanctions were part of a joint response by several US agencies, including the departments of Justice and State, the US Treasury said in a statement.

Top US diplomat rules out agreeing with Iran on deal that fails to meet basic demands

09 Sep 2022; MEMO: US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, said on Friday that his country would not agree with Iran on a deal that fails to meet basic demands, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Iran's "latest response takes us backward", Blinken told reporters at a joint news conference with NATO Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, following their meeting.

Blinken referred to Iran's official reply to the draft compromise, proposed by EU Foreign Policy Chief, Josep Borrell, on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

US imposes sanctions on Iran over cyber activities

09 Sep 2022; MEMO: The United States, on Friday, imposed sanctions on Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security and its Minister, accusing them of being tied to a disruptive July cyber attack on Albania and engaging in other cyber activities against the United States and its allies, Reuters reports.

The move comes after Albania severed diplomatic relations with Iran on Wednesday for the same incident, ordering Iranian diplomats and embassy staff to leave within 24 hours.

Indian-American Congresswoman receives threat messages, asked to go back to India

Washington, Sep 9 (PTI) Indian-American Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal has said that she has been receiving abusive and hate messages over the phone from a male caller who even asked her to go back to India.

On Thursday, Chennai-born Jayapal posted a collection of five such audio messages.

In all the messages, portions of which have been redacted because of obscene and abusive content, the male caller is heard threatening her with dire consequences and in one instance she is being asked to go back to her country of origin India.

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