Washington DC

US eyeing 'alternatives' after OPEC+ cut

6 October 2022; MEMO: US President Joe Biden expressed disappointment on Thursday over announced plans by OPEC+ nations to cut oil output, and he and officials said the United States was looking at all possible alternatives to keep prices from rising, Reuters reports.

Despite that move, Biden said he did not regret his summer trip to Saudi Arabia, which he said was focused on the Middle East.

US starts fiscal year with record $31 trillion in debt

Washington, Oct 5 (AP) The nation's gross national debt has surpassed USD31 trillion, according to a US Treasury report released Tuesday that logs America's daily finances.

Edging closer to the statutory ceiling of roughly USD31.4 trillion, an artificial cap Congress placed on the US government's ability to borrow, the debt numbers hit an already tenuous economy facing high inflation, rising interest rates and a strong US dollar.

Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy is US representative on WHO executive board

Washington, Oct 5 (PTI) President Joe Biden has nominated US Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy to serve as the country's representative on the executive board of the World Health Organisation.

Dr Murthy, 45, will serve in the new position alongside his continued duties as the US Surgeon General, the White House said in a statement.

US to impose further costs on Iran for crackdown against protesters: Biden

Washington, Oct 4 (PTI) The US will soon impose further costs on the perpetrators of violence against peaceful demonstrators who protested against the death of a 22-year-old woman in the custody of the morality police in Iran, President Joe Biden has said, as he expressed grave concern over the crackdown on them.

Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old from Iranian Kurdistan, was arrested for allegedly violating the country's strict Islamic dress code.

USA: Jewish American journalist sacked for calling Israel 'apartheid' state

3 October 2022; MEMO: In the latest crackdown on free speech when Palestine is the topic, Jewish American journalist Katie Halper has been fired by The Hill for calling Israel an "apartheid state". Known for her podcast, Rising, the 41-year-old had drafted a monologue in response to the recent attacks on Rashida Tlaib.

Iran, US hold 'intensive talks' on prisoner swap, release of frozen assets

2 October 2022; MEMO: Iran and the US have held "intensive talks" in recent weeks mediated by a regional country regarding a prisoner swap and the release of Iran's frozen assets abroad, according to Nour News late Saturday, Anadolu Agency reported.

The news agency affiliated with Iran's top security body said the release of prisoners will happen simultaneously.

US imposes new sanctions on Iran oil exports; targets Chinese firms

30 Sep 2022; MEMO: The United States, on Thursday, imposed sanctions on companies it accused of involvement in Iran's petrochemical and petroleum trade, including some based in China and India, pressuring Tehran as it seeks to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Reuters reports.

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