Washington DC

US says Iran supplying drones to Russia violates UN Resolution

18 October 2022; MEMO: The United States agrees with British and French assessments that Iran supplying drones to Russia would violate a UN Security Council Resolution that endorsed the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six powers, US State Department spokesman, Vedant Patel, said on Monday, Reuters reports.

Trump: 'I could easily become Israel's prime minister'

18 October 2022; MEMO: Former US President Donald Trump said on Sunday that he could "easily" become Israel's prime minister as he wished that American Jews were more appreciative of what he has done for the occupation state.

"No President has done more for Israel than I have," Trump wrote on his Truth Social account. "Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the US."

US Senator blocks $75m aid to Egypt over failure to make human rights reform

17 October 2022; MEMO: US Senator Patrick Leahy has blocked $75 million of aid to Egypt over its failure to make progress on human rights reform particularly the release of 60,000 political prisoners.

The annual military aid America gives Egypt, $1.3 billion, has come under heavy scrutiny in the last few years as Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has consolidated control over the country and continued to squeeze the space for free speech.

US 'deeply disappointed' with Abbas's remarks to Putin

17 October 2022; MEMO: Washington is "deeply disappointed" with the remarks made by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, the US National Security Council said on Saturday. Abbas met Putin in Kazakhstan last Thursday and apparently told him that the Palestinians do not trust the Biden administration.

IMF asks countries to preserve vital foreign reserves amidst appreciating dollar

Washington, Oct 15 (PTI) The IMF has urged countries to preserve vital foreign reserves to deal with potentially worse outflows and turmoil in the future, amidst appreciation of the US dollar and depreciation of other major currencies, including the Indian rupee.

Indian FM Sitharaman urges World Bank to avoid unidimensional view of subsidies

Washington, Oct 15 (PTI) Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has urged the World Bank to avoid a "unidimensional" view of the subsidies provided by the Indian government and asserted that it is important to differentiate between "distortive subsidies" and "targeted support" to the vulnerable households.

Saudi Arabia pushed other OPEC nations into oil cut, White House claims

14 October 2022; MEMO: Saudi Arabia pushed other OPEC+ nations into an output cut last week, the White House claimed on Thursday, part of an escalating war of words between the two countries, Reuters reports.

"More than one" OPEC member disagreed with Saudi Arabia's push to cut production and felt coerced into the vote, National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby, told reporters. He said he was not going to identify the members, to let them speak for themselves.

US Senator calls on Washington to 'freeze' cooperation with Saudi Arabia following OPEC+ agreement

11 October 2022; MEMO: The Chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee has called for a "freeze" on cooperation with Saudi Arabia, after the Kingdom defied Washington's demand to increase oil production and, instead, agreed with other oil-producing countries to cut production.

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