Washington DC

US appoints Elizabeth Frawley Bagley Brazil envoy following allegations of anti-Semitism

11 Jan 2023; MEMO: The US has appointed Elizabeth Frawley Bagley as the new Ambassador to Brazil after she was reprimanded during the confirmation hearing over remarks about the power of the "Jewish lobby" in Washington. Bagley was nominated a year ago by President Joe Biden for the job but her appointment has been dogged by delays and allegations of anti-Semitism.

Senior US officials to visit Israel to ensure no unilateral measures will be taken

09 Jan 2023; MEMO: American National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, and Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, are planning to visit Israel by the end of January, Israeli media and news agencies have reported.

The London-based Arabic newspaper, Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, said that US officials will meet with senior Israeli officials including Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and head of the Israeli National Security Council, Tzachi Hanegbi.

Kushner's memoirs: Washington pressured Saied to dismiss pro-Palestine UN ambassador

07 Jan 2023; MEMO: Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of former US President Donald Trump, revealed in his memoirs that the Trump administration pressured Tunisian authorities to dismiss former Tunisian Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Moncef Baati.

US repatriates stolen historic antiquity to the Palestinian Authority

06 Jan 2023; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority (PA), together with US officials, celebrated today at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Bethlehem following the historic repatriation of a rare Palestinian cultural object, which was stolen by a Jewish billionaire.

George Noll, head of the US Office of Palestinian Affairs, returned the 3,000 year old "cosmetic spoon," used to pour incense, to the PA's Tourism and Antiquities Minister, Rula Maayah.

US warns Israel over illegal colonial outposts in Palestine

05 Jan 2023; MEMO: Israel's illegal settlement expansion has triggered a rare warning from the US, which has issued a red-line over the illegal West Bank outpost of Homesh. The far-right Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu is pushing for the legalisation of the outpost in defiance of Washington. This could lead to further clashes with the administration of President Joe Biden.

US State representative slams Israel's policies as a mission of 'genocide'

03 Jan 2023; MEMO: US State Representative of Massachusetts, Jamie Zahlaway Belsito, slammed Israel's harsh policies against Palestinians, condemning it as a "mission to kill Palestinians and steal their lands".

Following the announcement of the Israeli government's plans to escalate expanding illegal Jewish settlements in the Occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, the politician took to Twitter criticising Israel as "an apartheid run thuggery terrorist regime."

UN passes resolution to seek ICJ opinion on Israel's occupation of Palestine

31 Dec 2022; MEMO: The UN General Assembly on Saturday passed a resolution seeking opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the legal consequences of Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territories, Anadolu reports.

The resolution was backed by 87 countries of the UN General Assembly members against 26 with 53 abstentions.

2022 saw highest number of journalist killed in the past four years

30 Dec 2022; MEMO: Nearly 1,700 journalists have been killed across the world over the past 20 years, an average of more than 80 a year, according to a report published by Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

The years since 2003 have been described as the "especially deadly decades", with 2022 leading with the highest number of deaths in the past four years.

Billion-dollar US PR firm helps cleans Saudi image while campaigning against 'autocrats'

23 Dec 2022; MEMO: American public relations firm, Edelman, has received some $10 million for helping Saudi Arabia clean up its image, according to the Guardian. ​

Richard Edelman, CEO of the $1 billion firm, signed deals with the kingdom over the past four years to sanitise its image despite being a leading campaigner against doing business with autocratic regimes.

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