Washington DC

US compels Iran again to release seized US sail drones

03 September 2022; MEMO: The United States compelled Iran, for a second time this week, to release US military sail drones that it tried to seize at sea, a US defence official said on Friday, Reuters reports.

Iran has been building up its naval presence in the Red Sea, near the coast of Yemen where Tehran backs the Houthi Movement, after sending vessels there more than a decade ago to protect Iranian oil tankers and merchant ships against piracy.

US calls on Turkiye, Greece to avoid tensions

01 September 2022; MEMO: The US hopes Turkiye and Greece will refrain from statements and actions that could intensify tensions following Athens' recent harassment of Turkish fighter jets that were carrying out missions in the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, a US official told Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity.

US assures Israel that Iran will not become a nuclear power

01 September 2022; MEMO: US President Joe Biden, on Wednesday, reiterated his country's commitment to not allow Iran to become a nuclear power, Anadolu News Agency reports.

In a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, Biden "underscored the US commitment to never allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon," according to a readout by the White House.

US insisted on failed nation-building, Western model in Afghanistan: Former CENTCOM commander

27 August 2022; AA: Frank McKenzie, a former top general who led US Central Command from 2019 to April 2022, has said that Washington engaged in failed nation-building in Afghanistan and insisted on a Western model for the country which was wrong.

US to appoint envoy to Arctic region for 1st time in history

27 August 2022; AA: The US announced Friday that it will appoint an envoy for the Arctic region for the first time in its history amid Russia’s increased military actions in the region recently.

"... the President plans to elevate the Arctic Coordinator position by appointing an Ambassador-at-Large for the Arctic Region, subject to the advice and consent of the Senate," Vedant Patel, deputy spokesperson of the State Department, said in a written statement.

US presence in Syria illegal; Iran Foreign Ministry

27 August 2022; MEMO: Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani announced on Friday that the US military presence in Syria is illegal.

Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported that Kanaani expressed: "Condemnation of the recent American aggression against defenders of Syria's independence and territorial integrity."

US says working as quickly as possible on response to Iran over nuclear proposal

The United States, on Monday, pushed back against Iranian accusations of delaying the indirect talks aimed at reinstating the 2015 nuclear deal, saying it was working as quickly as it can to put together an appropriate response to Tehran's comments on a draft text put forward by the European Union, Reuters reports.

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