US imposes sanctions on affiliates of Iran's IRGC over cyber activities

White House

14 Sep 2022; MEMO: The United States imposed sanctions on Wednesday on individuals and entities it linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guard for what it called Tehran's "malicious" cyber and ransom ware activity, Reuters reports.

The sanctions were part of a joint response by several US agencies, including the departments of Justice and State, the US Treasury said in a statement.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard is a powerful faction that controls a business empire, as well as elite armed and intelligence forces that Washington accuses of carrying out a global extremist campaign.

The US Treasury said it imposed sanctions on 10 individuals and two entities over the cyber activities.

Ransom software works by encrypting victims' data. Typically, hackers will offer the victim a key in return for crypto currency payments that can run into the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.