Human Rights

Israel settlement undermines return to peace talks: UN envoy

01 Dec 2021; MEMO: Israeli settlement undermines the return to peace negotiations, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, said yesterday.

During his monthly press briefing, Wennesland said: "In the West Bank, a severe fiscal and economic crisis is threatening the stability of Palestinian institutions."

UNRWA unable to pay 28,000 employees due to major funding crisis

01 Dec 2021; MEMO: UNRWA is unable to pay its 28,000 employees due to a major funding crisis, Philippe Lazzarini, head of the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), said yesterday.

UNRWA has run schools, clinics and food distribution programmes for millions of registered Palestinian refugee families across the Middle East since they were expelled by Zionist gangs in 1948.

USA: Rep. Omar urges House GOP to address ‘anti-Muslim hatred’

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar on Tuesday played a harrowing death threat recently left for her by voicemail, while imploring House Republican leaders to do more to tamp down “anti-Muslim hatred” in their ranks and “hold those who perpetuate it accountable.”

Jordan and Saudi Arabia slam Israeli president's visit to Ibrahimi Mosque

30 Nov 2021; MEMO: Jordan and Saudi Arabia have condemned Israeli President Isaac Herzog's visit to the Ibrahimi Mosque in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron to celebrate a Jewish holiday. Herzog forced his way into the mosque on Sunday to participate in a candle-lighting ceremony. He was accompanied by a large number of Israeli police officers and illegal Jewish settlers.

Saudi Arabia calls for extraordinary OIC meeting on Afghanistan

29 Nov 2021; MEMO: Saudi Arabia, on Monday, called on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to hold an extraordinary meeting to discuss the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Saudi Arabia is looking to convene an "OIC Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting to Discuss Humanitarian Situation in Afghanistan," said SPA, the Kingdom's official news agency.

Don't use migrants as pawns in political strategies, Pope tells governments

29 Nov 2021; MEMO: Pope Francis said on Monday that migrants were being exploited as "pawns" on a political chessboard in an apparent reference to the crisis at the Belarus border, Reuters reports.

Thousands of migrants are stuck on the European Union's eastern frontier in what the EU says is a crisis Minsk engineered by distributing Belarusian visas in the Middle East, flying them in, and letting them go to the border.

'UN must reverse decision to partition Palestine': Mahfouz

30 Nov 2021; MEMO: Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad (PCPA), Hisham Abu Mahfouz, yesterday called for the UN to back down on its decision to partition Palestine, Quds Press reported.

He also called for the UN to put pressure on the Israeli occupation to "implement all the international resolutions related to Palestinians and stop all Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people."

Israel renews administrative detention of Hamas leader

30 Nov 2021; MEMO: Israeli occupation authorities yesterday renewed the administrative detention of Hamas leader Sheikh Jamal Al Taweel for another six months, the Prisoners Information Office reported.

On 2 June, a group of undercover Israeli occupation forces kidnapped 59-year-old Al Taweel, 59, from in front of his house in the occupied West Bank city of Al Bireh.

Hamas to take legal action against UK for declaring it terror group

29 Nov 2021; MEMO: The Palestinian resistance group, Hamas, announced Sunday that it will take legal action against the UK, which recently listed it as a terrorist organization, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Speaking at an online conference held by the Centre for Palestinian Refugee Studies, Hamas Political Bureau chief, Mousa Abu Marzouk said the group is actively working with various institutions and organisations against the move.

Israel orders Palestinians halt construction of 32 houses in occipied West Bank

30 Nov 2021; MEMO: Israeli occupation authorities yesterday ordered Palestinians halt the construction of 32 houses in the village of Qusra, southeast of Nablus, local sources reported.

Deputy head of the village council, Imad Jamil, said: "Israeli forces delivered stop-construction orders against 32 houses in addition to a demolition order of an agricultural shed in the village."

These houses are owned by Palestinians and they are being built on private Palestinian land.

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