Human Rights

Details of massacres against Palestinians revealed in classified Israeli documents

10 Dec 2021; MEMO: Israeli government discussions on the massacres perpetrated by Israeli soldiers in 1948 were declassified for the first time this week in an investigative report published by Haaretz and the Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research.

Turkey marks International Genocide Prevention, Commemoration of Victims Day

10 Dec 2021; MEMO: Turkey, on Thursday, observed the International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime on the sixth anniversary of the UN General Assembly resolution that marked the day, which was co-sponsored by Turkey.

France to declassify Algerian war archives

11 Dec 2021; MEMO: France will open up judicial archives on the Algerian war 15 years ahead of the stipulated declassification, the government announced on Friday, a move which could confirm the long-held allegations of torture by the French police and the gendarmerie against Algerian and French nationals.

French law provides for declassification of government documents labelled "confidential," "secret" or "very secret" after a period of 50 years, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Israeli settlers chop down 70 olive trees, let loose sheep to destroy Palestinian farm

09 Dec 2021; MEMO: Israeli settlers, today, cut down 70 olive trees in Masafer Yatta, south of the West Bank city of Hebron, reported Wafa News Agency.

According to Fouad Al-Imour, a local activist, dozens of settlers from the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Yair chopped down 70 olive trees owned by a local resident in Khillit Al-Dabe village of Masafer Yatta.

Morever, the settlers took their herd of sheep to the Palestinian farmland and let them loose so they could damage the crops.

India: How can you stop people from eating what they want?: Gujarat HC

Ahmedabad, Dec 10 (PTI) The Gujarat High Court has questioned how people could be stopped from "eating what they want" outside their house as it slammed the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) for its drive against handcarts selling non-vegetarian food items on streets.

The HC made the remarks on Thursday while disposing of a petition petition filed by nearly 20 street vendors claiming the AMC's recent anti-encroachment drive was targeted at handcarts selling non-vegetarian food items, an allegation denied by the civic body.

India: Police inspector suspended as his video beating a man went viral

Kanpur: Inspector Vinod Kumar Mishra was suspended after a video of him mercilessly thrashing a man holding his child went viral.

In the video, it can be seen that the person being thrashed was repeatedly requesting the police that the child would be hit and might even die.

Yet the policeman was not ready to accept his words. It was reported that the UP Police received severe flak after the video went viral on social media.

Mishra was suspended by the ADG of Kanpur zone.

Hamas delegation discusses Palestinian issue with Russian officials in Moscow

08 Dec 2021; MEMO: Senior Hamas delegation discussed, on Wednesday, the latest developments concerning the Palestinian cause with Russian officials in Moscow.

In a statement, Hamas said that its delegation consisted of members of political bureau, Dr Musa Abu Marzouq and Ezzat El-Rishq, in addition to the Hamas representative in Russia.

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