Human Rights

Jordan to supply illegal Israel settlements with energy, under new deal

22 Nov 2021; MEMO: Israel, Jordan and the UAE are expected to sign a deal today in Dubai under which a solar plant in the Jordanian desert will generate power for Israel, in exchange for a desalination plant in Israel that will provide Jordan with water, news agencies said.

The Israeli news website Walla reported officials saying that the agreement is the biggest regional cooperation project ever reached between Israel and its neighbours.

India: AIMPLB calls for enactment of anti-blasphemy law

Kanpur: The All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) urged the Centre not to impose the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and demanded the enactment of an anti-blasphemy law to punish those who show disrespect to Prophet Mohammed.

"India is a multi-faith country, and every citizen is guaranteed to practice and profess his faith and religious beliefs, and to act on and preach the same," the AIMPLB said in a resolution passed on the second and final day of its 27th public session here. 

Khashoggi fiancee to Justin Bieber: Cancel your concert in Saudi Arabia

21 Nov 2021; MEMO: The fiancee of murdered Saudi dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi has urged Canadian superstar Justin Bieber to cancel his appearance at Formula One (F1) in protest of a regime that kills its critics".

The pop star is due to perform at the iconic F1 race on December 5th in the Saudi city of Jeddah.

In an article at the Washington Post, Hatice Cengiz penned a letter to Bieber, saying his invitation to Jeddah "comes directly from [Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman – MBS]".

Fans accuse Arsenal of ending Mohamed Elneny's contract over supporting Palestine

20 Nov 2021; MEMO: Fans of footballer Mohamed Elneny have accused his club, UK's Arsenal, of terminating his contract over his support for Palestine, Rai Al-Youm reported on Friday.

The news outlet claims that the stated reason for the termination of Elneny's contract was that his team's coach, Mikel Arteta, no longer wanted him on the team.

Uprooted in 1948, Palestinian family fears another displacement

The family of Muhammad Abd Al-Razzaq Al-Sabbagh owned a building and a large house in the city of Jaffa, in northern occupied Palestine, now Israel, before moving to East Jerusalem following the Palestinian exodus of 1948, Anadolu News Agency reports.

For years, the family, comprising 32 people now, has feared a new displacement after receiving many decisions from settler groups to evict them from the house that they have resided in since 1956 in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of East Jerusalem.

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