Human Rights

Islamic-Christian Committee calls for mobilisation to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque

15 April 2022; MEMO: The Islamic-Christian Committee in Support of Jerusalem and its Sanctuaries have called on Palestinians everywhere to march to Al-Aqsa Mosque on Friday and to repel any attempt by Israeli extremist settlers to storm the mosque and implement their aggressive scheme to desecrate and violate its sanctity.

Israel: 'Palestinians should have separate political, not geographical, entity'; Gantz

16 April 2022; MEMO: Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz announced on Friday that solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be based on creating two different political, not geographical, entities, Arab 48 reported.

Speaking with the Walla news website, Gantz asserted that the Israeli entity must maintain its military superiority over the Palestinian entity.

Egypt: BDS condemns hosting Israel music festival in Sinai

16 April 2022; MEMO: Egypt's Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has strongly condemned hosting an Israeli music festival at Egyptian army-owned facilities in the Sinai Peninsula, The New Arab news website reported on Friday.

Tolip hotel, located in Sinai, plans to host the Israeli music Nabia Festival as part of the Jewish celebration of Passover.

Palestinians begin strike to protest Israeli killings

15 April 2022; MEMO: Palestinians staged a general strike in the occupied West Bank on Thursday in mourning for the killing of four people by Israeli army forces, Anadolu Agency reports.

Two Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli soldiers in the cities of Ramallah and Bethlehem on Wednesday. Two other Palestinians were fatally shot on Thursday during an Israeli raid in the town of Kafr Dan, northwest of Jenin city.

Over 150 Palestinians injured as Israeli police storm Al-Aqsa

15 April 2022; MEMO: More than 150 Palestinians were injured at dawn on Friday as the Israeli police stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, Anadolu Agency reports.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said that 152 Palestinians were injured during clashes with the Israeli police in the courtyards of the mosque.

The Palestinians were injured by rubber bullets, tear gas, and beaten by the Israeli police which also fired a barrage of stun grenades.

We'll die in defence of Al-Aqsa Mosque: Christian leader in Jerusalem

14 April 2022; MEMO: Christians alongside Muslim Palestinians will die in defence of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and will never hand over its keys to the Israeli occupation, head of the World Popular Organisation for Jerusalem Justice and Peace, Father Manuel Musallam, said yesterday.

India: Delhi hate speech: No specific words against any community uttered during the event, police tells SC

New Delhi, Apr 14 (PTI) No specific words against any community were uttered during an event held here in December last year, the Delhi Police has told the Supreme Court which is hearing a plea seeking direction to ensure investigation and action against those who allegedly made hate speeches during two events held in Haridwar and Delhi.

India: Anti-Muslim communal hate on rise in Karnataka State

12 April 2022; MEMO: Earlier this year, when a group of Muslim school girls in the southern Indian State of Karnataka were barred from entering the classroom wearing the hijab, or headscarf, no one expected the issue to snowball into a series of hate campaigns against the Muslim community in the State, Anadolu News Agency reports.

In recent weeks, right-wing groups in the State have launched anti-Muslim campaigns, including the exclusion of Muslim traders from fairs near Hindu temples and a push to ban halal meat.

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