Human Rights

Tunisia: EU support conditional on returning to democracy

9 April 2022; MEMO: The European Union (EU) has said that its continued support for Tunisia is dependent on it returning to the democratic course and constitutional institutions. Meanwhile, the opposition expressed its rejection of the system of voting for individuals during the parliamentary elections.

India: Delhi Court directs Amnesty International's Aakar Patel not to leave country

New Delhi, Apt 8 (PTI) A Delhi court on Friday directed the chair of Amnesty International India Board Aakar Patel not to leave the country without its prior permission and stayed an order directing the CBI to withdraw a Look Out Circular (LOC) issued against him in a case relating to the alleged violation of the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA).

India: UP Police books Hindu seer who issued 'rape threat' to Muslim women

Sitapur (UP), Apr 9 (PTI) A Uttar Pradesh seer, who allegedly delivered a hate speech against a community and made a rape threat, has been booked, police here said on Saturday.

Bajrang Muni Das, the mahant of the Maharshi Shri Lakshman Das Udasin Ashram in Khairabad town, allegedly made the speech and threat on April 2 and the video of it surfaced on social media platforms on Thursday.

Israel violating international laws by banning Gaza patients from travel for treatment: Hamas

07 April 2022; MEMO: A spokesman for the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Abdel Latif Al-Qanoua said Thursday, that the Israeli authorities continue to flagrantly violate international laws and humanitarian covenants by besieging the Gaza Strip, preventing the entry of medical equipment and devices into it, and preventing Palestinian patients from travelling abroad for treatment, as well as practicing medical negligence against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

Despite risk of death, Thailand sends Myanmar refugees back

Jakarta, Apr 7 (AP) The young woman from Myanmar and her family now live amid the tall grasses of a riverbank on the Thai border, trapped between a country that does not want them and a country whose military could kill them.

Like thousands of others fleeing mounting violence after a military takeover in Myanmar last February, Hay left her village for neighbouring Thailand in search of a safe haven that does not exist. Returning to Myanmar would place her and her family at risk of death.

India: 2 Kashmiris killed by Indian Sec Forces in Pulwama district of Indian Administered Kashmir

Srinagar, 6 April 2022: Two Kashmiris were killed by Indian security forces in Tral area of Pulwama district on Wednesday of the Indian Administered Kashmir, Indian officials said.

Slain Kashmiris were identified as Safat Muzaffar Sofi  and Umer Teli alias Talha.

India: Trial in journalist-activist Gauri Lankesh killing to start from May 27

Bengaluru, Apr 6 (PTI) More than four years after journalist-activist Gauri Lankesh was shot dead by motorcycle-borne men outside her house here, the trial in the case is set to start from May 27, the prosecution lawyer said.

The hearing of the case had not started yet. It will start now from May 27, senior advocate S Balan told PTI.

According to him, more than 60 lawyers were engaged initially by the accused, and their petitions delayed commencement of the trial.

Egypt's ex-presidential candidate brutally attacked in Tora Prison

06 April 2022; MEMO: Egypt's former presidential candidate and leader of the Strong Egypt Party has been assaulted in his prison cell, according to a Facebook post written by his family.

According to the post, Aboul Fotouh was attacked by guards after trying to file a complaint about why he was refused family visits.

Tunisia: Parliament's virtual meetings will continue: Ghannouchi

06 April 2022; MEMO: Tunisia's Parliament Speaker, Rached Ghannouchi, said yesterday that parliament will continue to convene virtually, Al-Quds Al-Araby reported.

Speaking to the German News Agency, Ghannouchi's remarks came days after the Tunisian president's dissolution of parliament after a virtual meeting was held.

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