
Syria: Assad says traders profiting from currency crash will be punished

30 Mar 2021; MEMO: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said on Tuesday that traders profiting from the collapse of the Syrian pound, which hit an all-time low this month, would be punished.

The fall of the currency, which has rebounded somewhat since hitting 4,000 to the US dollar, has driven up inflation. Syrians have struggled to afford food and power.

Syria 'rationing' fuel as Suez Canal jam persists

28 Mar 2021; MEMO: The Syrian regime is 'rationing' fuel as shipments are delayed due to the blockage of Egypt's Suez, The New Arab reported.

The large container ship Ever Given has been jammed diagonally between across the Suez Canal since Tuesday, blocking off both lanes of traffic, and throwing around 12% of world trade into chaos.

This incident has caused delays to imports of oil to Syria, with the country still waiting on a shipment due to arrive last Friday.

Covid-19: Syria to provide 75-ton oxygen to Lebanon

DAMASCUS, March 25 (NNN-Xinhua) — The Syrian Health Ministry announced here on Wednesday it will provide 75 tons of oxygen to Lebanon for COVID-19 patients.

The announcement came during a joint press conference held by Syrian Health Minister Hasan al-Ghabbash and his Lebanese counterpart Hamad Hasan in Syrian capital Damascus.

The oxygen will be delivered in three batches starting Wednesday, and it won’t affect Syria’s stock of oxygen, according to Hasan.

US condemns regime, Russian airstrikes in Syria

23 Mar 2021; MEMO: The US sharply condemned Monday a wave of Russian and Syrian regime airstrikes over the weekend that targeted a hospital and killed several civilians, Anadolu Agency reports.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said the coordinates of al-Atareb Surgical Hospital had previously been shared with a UN entity intended to prevent attacks on civilian infrastructure.

Rivals seeking to gain as Biden mulls approach to Syrian war

(AP) --- The Biden administration is mulling over America’s role in Syria’s ongoing conflict as the U.S. tries to break away from Middle East wars, but Vladimir Putin’s top diplomat already has been busy on the ground, trying to win support for a Syria approach that could establish Russia as a broker of security and power in the region.

Four-year-old living in NE Syria flies home to Canada leaving mother behind

16 Mar 2021; MEMO: A four-year-old Canadian girl has flown home after spending two years in a detention camp in northeast Syria leaving behind her mother who travelled there to marry a Daesh fighter and was not allowed to return.

Her mother is one of 12,000 women and children from 60 countries detained in camps for families of people suspected of being Daesh members.

21 regime soldiers killed in southwestern Syria

16 Mar 2021; MEMO: At least 21 soldiers loyal to the Bashar-al-Assad regime in Syria were killed in an armed attack in the country's southwestern Daraa province on Tuesday, Anadolu Agency reported a local source as saying.

Former members of the Syrian opposition attacked with light weapons a military convoy from the 4th Division near the Muzayrib town, said the source on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media.

A decade of war in Syria killed over 388,000

DAMASCUS, March 14 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The overall death toll for Syria’s civil war has reached 388,652 since it began a decade ago this month, a war monitor said on Sunday.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the figures includes almost 117,388 civilians, among them more than 22,000 children.

Attacks by the Syrian regime and allied militia forces accounted for the majority of civilian deaths, said the Britain-based monitor which relies on sources inside Syria for its reports.

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