
Syria: Missile attack targets US troops

29 June 2021; MEMO: A missile attack targeted a base housing American forces in Syria on Monday, a spokesman for the US-led anti-Daesh coalition has revealed.

Coalition Spokesman Colonel Wayne Marotto said that the US troops were attacked by multiple rockets but suffered no casualties. He added that "counter-battery artillery fire" was aimed at "rocket launching positions".

81 NGOs oppose Russia plan to close last aid crossing into NW Syria

25 June 2021; MEMO: Numerous non-governmental organisations carrying out aid missions in north-west Syria have issued a joint press release opposing the planned closure of the last crossing for humanitarian aid to enter the area, warning that it will threaten the lives of over four million Syrians.

US reprimands Kurdish allies in Syria for raising PKK leader's photos in rallies: Reports

24 June 2021; MEMO: The United States has reprimanded the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) for raising flags and photos of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan during rallies that took place two weeks ago in their areas of influence, local media outlets reported.

Syria’s Assad meets with Russian Deputy PM Borisov in Damascus

DAMASCUS, June 22. /TASS/: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad met with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov in Damascus Tuesday.

Speaking in the name of the Russian authorities, Borisov congratulated Assad with his decisive victory at the recent presidential elections, which fully proved the political authority and people’s trust to Assad’s course towards the prompt stabilization of the situation.

Syria hospital hit in artillery attacks on Afrin, at least 13 killed

13 June 2021; MEMO: At least 13 people were killed and several wounded in two separate artillery attacks on the northern Syrian town of Afrin on Saturday, local medical sources and Turkey's government said, reports Reuters.

The first attack struck a residential area, while the second hit a hospital shortly afterwards, civil defence sources said. Video footage on social media showed casualties amid the ruins of the Al Shifa hospital.

Assad regime forces kill 6, injure 13 civilians in Syria

11 June 2021; MEMO: An attack by Assad regime forces killed six and injured 13 civilians in north-western Syria, the Syria Civil Defence said today, Anadolu Agency reports.

According to a statement by the organisation also known as The White Helmets, the attack targeted Iblin village in Idlib countryside. Of the injured, three are in critical condition.

Russian military instructors hold drills with Syrian troops

LATAKIA /Syria/, June 7. /TASS/: Russian military instructors held drills with Syrian servicemen at a coastal practice range in Syria’s Latakia on Monday.

"The training range allows firing various types of small arms. A 25-meter pistol shooting range and a 100-meter assault rifle shooting facility have been prepared," Combat Training Chief of Russia’s Syria Military Contingent Aleksey Plisov said.

A gunnery range for preparatory firings from the guns of armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles has also been prepared on the training ground.

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