Human Rights

Teenage girl's killing in occupied Jenin by Israel; Palestine calls for international probe

12 Dec 2022; MEMO: Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, on Monday, called for an international investigation into the killing of a Palestinian girl by Israeli Forces in the Occupied West Bank, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Jana Zakarneh, 16, died on Sunday after being shot by Israeli Forces during a military raid in the West Bank city of Jenin.

Shtayyeh termed the girl's killing as "another crime to be added to the horrifying crimes committed by Occupation Forces against children."

Palestine MP: Administrative detention without charge 'open-ended life sentence'

12 Dec 2022; MEMO: Israel's use of administrative detentions, imprisonment without charge or trial, is an 'open-ended life sentence' against Palestinians, Palestinian Member of Parliament Ahmad Attoun said yesterday.

Calling for urgent action to stop the Israeli violations, Attoun said Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails need serious support and their cause needs to be prioritised.

UN chief insisted on importance of protection of human rights defenders in India

United Nations, Dec 11 (PTI) UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said that he insisted publicly on the importance of guaranteeing civic space and protection of human rights defenders as well as environmental activists during his recent visits to India and Vietnam.

Israel: EU envoys boycott Western Wall tour

10 Dec 2022; MEMO: Ambassadors of four European Union (EU) countries on Friday boycotted a tour to the Western Wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque led by Israeli Envoy to the US Gilad Erdan, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported.

According to the Western Wall Heritage Fund, the activity was organised for a number of countries: "As part of an informational tour. The ambassadors of several countries toured the new route through the tunnels of the Western Wall."

Islamic groups criticise Netherlands' plan to censor Quran schools

08 Dec 2022; MEMO: Islamic organisations in the Netherlands have criticised a draft decision that would impose censorship on Quran institutes in the country.

The draft resolution was submitted by the Minister of Education, Dennis Wiersma, last month, and would allow the imposition of censorship over educational institutions that are not affiliated with the ministry and are not funded by it, including institutes for memorising the Quran in mosques.

Pakistan calls on world to help preserve Islamic heritage in India

08 Dec 2022; MEMO: On the 30th anniversary of the demolition of India's historic Babri Mosque by Hindu extremists, Pakistan's Foreign Office on Tuesday urged the international community and the UN to play a role in preserving India's Islamic heritage under threat by Hindutva, which is advocated by the ruling BJP party.

US applies pressure on UN not to blacklist firms profiting from illegal Israeli settlements

08 Dec 2022; MEMO: A week in which the Biden administration has been rebuked for having "no red lines on Israel", the US is applying pressure on the UN not to update its database of the list of companies operating in illegal Jewish-only Israeli settlements.

German TV Channel fires presenter over attending peaceful demonstration against Occupation

08 Dec 2022; MEMO: A presenter of a children's television show in Germany has been fired for attending a peaceful demonstration against the Israeli Occupation in the West Bank, in the latest case of German authorities' and media's suppression of pro-Palestinian views.

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation condemns Israel killing 3 Palestinians in Occupied West Bank

09 Dec 2022; MEMO: The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Thursday condemned the killing of three Palestinians by Israeli forces in the Occupied West Bank city of Jenin, Anadolu News Agency reports.

In a written statement, the OIC asserted that the crimes and ongoing attacks committed against the Palestinian people should be investigated and that Israel should be held accountable.

Palestine: Hamas condemns Israel ban on Gaza Christians from reaching holy places for Christmas

09 Dec 2022; MEMO: The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, has denounced Israel's prevention of 200 Christians from the besieged Gaza Strip from visiting holy sites in the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas, Anadolu news agency reported.

"The Zionist ban is a flagrant violation of the Christians' rights to practice their religious rites, depriving them of their natural right to access places of worship" the Movement said in a statement.

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