Human Rights

Israel settlers, forces fence off Palestinian land, seize farming equipment

28 Dec 2022; MEMO: Israeli settlers today fenced off a plot of land in the village of Khirbet As-Samra, based in the northern Jordan Valley, reported Wafa news agency.

Local residents told Wafa that the settlers barged into the village, where they installed barbed wire around a plot of land in preparation for seizing it and set up an illegal settlement outpost.

Israel's Knesset passes law to expand Ben-Gvir's powers over police

28 Dec 2022; MEMO: The Knesset (Israel's parliament) on Wednesday passed into law a bill that expands the authority of incoming National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir over the police force.

Sixty-one lawmakers voted in favor of the law against 55 in its third and final reading.

The bill stipulates that the police will be subject to the authority of the government and subordinated to the public security minister.

Moroccans protests against normalisation with Israel

26 Dec 2022; MEMO: Thousands of Moroccans protested against normalisation with Israel in several cities on Saturday, coinciding with the second anniversary since Rabat resumed its diplomatic relations with Tel Aviv.

The Moroccan Front in Support of Palestine and Against Normalisation said in a statement that these protests were against the normalisation agreement with Israel.

According to the statement, the protesters expressed their unconditional support for the Palestinian resistance.

PLO calls for international boycott for new Israeli government

26 Dec 2022; MEMO: Saleh Raafat, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) called on Sunday for an international boycott of the new Israeli government to force it to accept international legitimacy.

Speaking to Palestine Voice, Saleh said that the agreements among the parties taking part in the new Israeli coalition government "are based on apartheid and discrimination."

Israel bans entry of medical equipment into Gaza

25 Dec 2022; MEMO: An Israeli ban on the entry of medical equipment into the Gaza Strip is putting the lives of hundreds of patients at risk, Palestinian authorities warned on Saturday, Anadolu reports.

Health Ministry official Ibrahim Abbas said Israeli authorities refuse to allow medical equipment, including diagnostic devices, into Gaza.

"Lack of medical service puts the lives of hundreds of patients at risk," he warned.

The myth of the Temple of Solomon, extravagance in Brazil and the race for Jerusalem

by Rita Freire

Al-Aqsa Mosque stands at the heart of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and has done for over 1,300 years. Today it has world heritage landmark status. Despite this, Israeli excavations, raids and military incursions have threatened the very foundations and preservation of such a potent symbol of Jerusalem.

Tunisia: protesters demand release of ex-prime minister

24 Dec 2022; MEMO: Dozens of Tunisians protested on Friday to demand the release the former prime minister and vice-president of Ennahda Movement, Ali Laarayedh, four days after a judicial decision was issued to imprison him.

The protest was organised by Ennahda Movement in front of the Palace of Justice in the capital, Tunis, under the slogan "Release Laarayedh." Several of the movement's leaders, lawyers and jurists took part in the protest.

Palestine: Gaza Christians say Israel travel curbs separate families at Christmas

23 Dec 2022; MEMO: As pilgrims from around the world flock to Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Nazareth for Christmas, members of Gaza's Christian community wait to hear whether Israel will grant them a travel permit, Reuters reported.

This year, Israeli authorities have approved travel for nearly 600 Palestinian Christians in Gaza, according to COGAT, a unit in Israel's defence ministry that coordinates civilian issues with Palestinians.

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