Human Rights

ICJ sets date for investigation of Israeli occupation of Palestine

09 Feb 2023; MEMO: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) announced yesterday that it will be proceeding with the investigation of the legal consequences of Israel's occupation of the Palestinian Territories. A deadline of 25 July has been set for written submissions by state bodies and organisations on the question of Israel's occupation.

A second deadline of October is for comments on those submissions. The court confirmed that the rest of the timeline has yet to be determined.

Israel approves plan to arm 'Price Tag' settler gangs in occupied West Bank

07 Feb 2023; MEMO: Israel's extreme far-right government has approved a plan to arm the so-called "Price Tag" settler gangs active in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, Al-Quds Al-Araby reported on Monday. The occupation army is apparently preparing to arm security personnel in the unlicensed settler farming outposts in the occupied West Bank, which are mostly strongholds of the fanatical settler gangs.

UK: Sunak preparing to withdraw UK from human rights convention

07 Feb 2023; MEMO: British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is considering withdrawing the United Kingdom from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in order to implement a hard line immigration policy, amid warnings that 65,000 illegal migrants are expected to arrive in the country this year.

Israel minister threatens to respond with 50 missiles for every rocket fired from Gaza

07 Feb 2023; MEMO: Israel's far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir threatened to shower 50 missiles on Gaza in response to each missile fired from the Strip toward Israel.

According to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, Ben-Gvir said the Israeli response to Palestinian resistance attacks must be comprehensive.

He said that he hopes that the government will implement his vision of responding to Hamas rockets, adding that he is optimistic and believes this will materialise.

Israel postpones home demolition after international pressure

07 Feb 2023; MEMO: The Israeli occupation authorities decided on Monday to postpone the demolition of a Palestinian building which is home to 100 families in occupied East Jerusalem, Israeli media have reported. The building was scheduled by the Israelis to be demolished today.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the building was issued a demolition order in 2015. The implementation of the order has been postponed several times.

Pakistanis observe Kashmir Solidarity Day

05 Feb 2023; AA: Human chains, rallies, and protest demonstrations were held across Pakistan on Sunday to express solidarity with the pro-independence movement in Jammu and Kashmir.

The day, a national holiday, began with special prayers in the mosques for the liberation of Kashmir. A minute's silence was observed throughout the country at 10 a.m. local time (0600GMT).

Thousands of people formed human chains on roads connecting the capital Islamabad to Pakistan-administered Kashmir.

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