Human Rights

Palestine security pulls out of area B in Jerusalem

22 May 2020; MEMO: Palestinian security forces have withdrawn from towns and villages in Jerusalem classified as Area B in the Oslo accords, Anadolu Agency reports.

According to witnesses, Palestinian forces left the northwestern towns of Iksa, Qatanna and Biddu, as well as the northern Abu Dis and Izarriya towns.

India: Opposition leaders to discuss migrant workers' plight

New Delhi, May 21 (PTI) Leaders of several opposition parties are set to discuss the plight of the migrant workers trying to reach home on foot amid the nationwide lockdown on Friday.

A meeting convened by Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Friday afternoon will see the leaders of around 20 opposition parties come together on a common platform through video-conferencing.

India: 15-yr-old girl abducted, raped by three youths in UP

Muzaffarnagar, May 22 (PTI) A 15-year-old girl was allegedly abducted and raped by three youths in the Purkazi area here, police said on Friday.

The girl was picked up from her house by the three accused and taken to a secluded place where she was raped, Station House Officer Subhash Gautam said.

The incident came to light on Thursday when the girl came back to home and narrated her ordeal to the parents, he said.

A case under relevant sections of law has been registered against the accused, Gautam said.

South Sudan: Aid workers among 300 killed in inter-communal clashes

JUBA, May 22 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The authorities in South Sudan say at least 300 people have been killed and many more injured in the latest wave of inter-communal fighting in Jonglei state, east of the country.

Three aid workers, including one from Médecins Sans Frontières, are among those killed.

Fighting broke out on Saturday between the Murle and Lou Nuer communities. A local elder said that Murle youths burned down many villages in Uror county before being repulsed.

Egypt arrests journalist Shaima Sami

21 May 2020; MEMO: Egyptian security forces have arrested a journalist and former researcher for the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information.

Shaima Sami wrote on Facebook that she was being arrested from her home in Alexandria, just minutes before her personal account was closed.

Security forces told her family they were taking her to the Alexandria Security Directorate. Shaima’s family and the UNHCR have demanded her release.

India: Declare cyclone Amphan national calamity: CPI(M)

New Delhi, May 21 (PTI) Cyclone Amphan' should be declared a national calamity, the CPI(M) demanded on Thursday and said people in West Bengal and Odisha need the support of the Centre.

The extremely severe cyclone 'Amphan' has left at least 12 people dead and ravaged Kolkata and several parts of West Bengal and Odisha.

APEC economies urged to adopt open trade policy to safeguard food security

KUALA LUMPUR, May 21 (NNN-BERNAMA) — Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies need to adopt an open trade policy to safeguard food security in the region amid COVID-19, says a new policy brief by the APEC Policy Support Unit.

The recent policy brief on export restrictions and food security in the context of the pandemic shows that the variety of movement restrictions implemented across borders has affected the supply of food, especially perishables such as fruits, vegetables, dairy, seafood, and meat.

More than 200 killed in South Sudan inter-communal violence

JUBA, May 21 (NNN-AGENCIES) — More than 200 people were killed and at least 300 others wounded in inter-communal clashes last weekend in South Sudan’s Jonglei state, according to local leaders.

Local officials say armed youth suspected of being from the Greater Pibor Administrative Area carried out attacks in four villages on Saturday and Sunday.

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