Human Rights

India: Lives of poor much more painful than before

Lucknow May 30 (PTI) BSP president Mayawati on Saturday advised the Modi government to review its policies and working style with an open mind, and remove the shortcomings.

"On the completion of one year of BJP government at the Centre today, many claims have been made, but it would be better if they are not far from the ground reality and public perception/understanding," Mayawati tweeted.

Africa Union chief condemns Minneapolis ‘murder’ of African-American

ADDIS ABABA, May 30 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Moussa Faki Mahamat, the chairman of the African Union (AU) Commission, has condemned the killing of a unarmed black man in the US city of Minneapolis, calling it “murder”.

George Floyd, 46, died in police custody on Monday. A white police officer was filmed kneeling on his neck, despite him saying that he could not breathe.

His death has led to a series of demonstrations across the country, including in Minneapolis where there is a large Somali community.

Israel stops call to Muslim prayer at Hebron’s Ibrahimi Mosque

29 May 2020; MEMO: Israeli forces today prevented the call for dawn prayer at the Ibrahimi Mosque in the occupied city of Hebron, denying Muslim worshippers access to the site, according to the Wafa news agency.

The Palestinian Authority condemned occupation forces for deliberately infringing on religious freedoms by applying such restrictions.

India: Teenaged girl raped by 3 in UP

Muzaffarnagar, May 29 (PTI) A 17-year-old girl was allegedly raped by three men who also recorded a video of the act at Bhohrahedi village under Bhopa police station in the district, police said Friday.

SHO Sanjive Kumar said the police registered a case against three men who were on the run and added that the girl was sent for medical examination.

Malaysia: No action against foreigners with visas, social passes expired during MCO

PUTRAJAYA, May 28 (NNN-BERNAMA) — Foreigners whose visa or social passes expired during the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) will not face any legal action, said Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

He said they had two options, namely, the first one, for those who wanted to return to their countries of origin, they could do so by showing their flight tickets at the airport.

Egypt’s state-run media launch incitement campaign against doctors

28 May 2020; MEMO: Egypt’s state-run media has launched an incitement campaign against doctors after the medical union warned the country’s health system was about to collapse.

On Monday, Egypt’s Medical Syndicate said that 19 doctors had died of coronavirus in the country whilst 350 had been infected.

It lamented the lack of PPE and the failure to provide isolation units for sick medics and said that the Health Ministry was falling short of its duty to protect doctors.

India: Sonia Gandhi asks Centre to unlock coffers to help needy

New Delhi, May 28 (PTI) Congress President Sonia Gandhi on Thursday asked the central government to unlock its coffers and help the needy affected by the coronavirus-induced lockdown.

In a video message posted as part of the Congress' 'Speak Up India' campaign, she lamented that even though the country is passing through a serious economic crisis with loss of livelihood due to the pandemic and the lockdown, the central government has not heard the cries of pain and trauma of people.

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