Human Rights

‘France must hand over our martyrs’ remains and recognise colonial crimes’: Algeria president

22 Sep 2020; MEMO: Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune said that France must hand over the remains of Algerian resistance martyrs and recognise its colonial crimes, stressing that the remains that Algeria received earlier this year were only a first step.

India: Romila Thapar explores history of dissent in new book "Voices of Dissent"

New Delhi, Sep 21 (PTI) Historian Romila Thapar will come out with a historical essay next month, exploring dissent, including its articulation and public response to its particular forms, with a special focus on recent protests in the country.

Penguin Random House India and Seagull Books have come together to publish the book titled "Voices of Dissent".

The book will be available in stores from October 19.

India: Guj BJP blames Tablighis for initial coronavirus spread - not 'Namaste Trump'

Ahmedabad, Sep 21 (PTI) The ruling BJP on Monday said members of Tablighi Jamaat were responsible for the initial spread of coronavirus in Gujarat, evoking a sharp rebuke from the Congress which blamed 'Namaste Trump' event held here in February for the spurt in infections.

Both the parties traded barbs during a discussion on a resolution introduced by treasury benches in the Legislative Assembly to thank COVID warriors.

UN Chief calls for building more sustainable and equitable world

ehran, Sept 21, IRNA – United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in his message for the International Day of Peace, 21 September 2020, with a focus on International Day of Peace namely “Shaping Peace Together”, said together, I know we can — and will — build a more just, sustainable and equitable world.

According to the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Tehran, UN Secretary-General in his message put emphasis on collective efforts to build a more just, sustainable, and equitable world.

The full text of his message reads:

Syria: US continues to steal oil through Iraq

21 Sep 2020; MEMO: The United States continues to loot oil from Syria’s Al-Jazeera region through Iraqi territories, Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported yesterday.

“A US convoy, consisting of 30 tanker trucks laden with stolen Syrian oil has left the war-stricken country and sneaked into neighbouring Iraq through the illegal Al-Walid crossing in the Al-Yaroubia area,” SANA said.

Protests against Sisi’s rule break out across Egypt

21 Sep 2020; MEMO: Protests have broken out across Egypt against the rule of General Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.

In Suez, Kafr El Dawwar, a city on the Nile Delta, Cairo, Alexandria and Aswan, demonstrators demanded Al-Sisi stand down.

Following security forces’ attack on demonstrators, the presidential residence in Aswan, Upper Egypt, was set on fire.

One video at another protest shows a police car retreating after anti-Sisi protesters threw stones at it.

US facing international isolation: Iran

21 Sep 2020; MEMO: The Iranian Foreign Ministry said Sunday the US was facing international isolation over its decision to re-impose sanctions on Tehran, according to the official IRNA news agency, Anadolu reports.

“The US stands at the wrong side of history and our message for it was to return to the international community, to your commitments, stop rebelling and the world will accept you,” ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh told a news briefing.

Abbas under pressure to talk to US

21 Sep 2020; MEMO: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas refused to negotiate with the US although he was under pressure from Arab countries, a Fatah movement official said Sunday, Anadolu reports.

“President Abbas is facing unprecedented pressure from Arab brothers and the international sphere to negotiate with the US administration and take the customs revenues cut by Israel, but he does not accept it,” Mahmoud Al-Aloul, deputy chief of Fatah told the official Palestinian television channel H.

Most countries oppose Trump's anti-Iran actions: Bloomberg

Tehran, Sept 20, IRNA - Coinciding with Trump administration’s claim that UN sanctions against Iran will be restored, Bloomberg wrote in a report: "allies and adversaries argue the U.S. effort to restore sanctions is groundless and a diplomatic crisis is set to explode."

According to Bloomberg on Sunday, The Trump administration’s push to kill off what’s left of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran comes to a head this weekend at the United Nations, where allies and adversaries argue the US effort to restore sanctions is groundless and a diplomatic crisis is set to explode.

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