Human Rights

US current approach unprecedented menace to UN, UNSC: ۤIran

Tehran, Sept 20, IRNA – Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Monday saying that the approach of the current regime of the US is a big danger for international peace and security and “an unprecedented threat to the United Nations and the UN Security Council.”

If the US or any of its few pawns makes a move in line with these threats, it will face a serious reaction and will be held accountable for all its dire consequences.

US sanctions on Iran ‘will not work’: Russia

20 Sep 2020; MEMO: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday criticised the US’ “demonisation” of Iran and stressed that US sanctions on the country “will not work”.

Speaking in a lengthy interview with Sputnik, Lavrov indicated that the problem with Iran is that the “US authorities have demonised it” and it “got labelled as the main problem of the region in question.”

India: Man rips open pregnant wife's stomach in UP to check sex of featus

Badaun (UP), Sep 19 (PTI) In a loathsome incident, a father of five daughters here allegedly ripped open the stomach of his pregnant wife on Saturday evening allegedly to find out if she was going to deliver a son this time.

Pannalal slit the stomach of his wife, aged around 35, with a sharp-edged weapon in the Nekpur locality under the Civil Lines police station area, injuring her seriously, SP (City) Pravin Singh Chauhan said.

India: Farmers protest against farm bills

Chandigarh, Sep 20 (PTI) Farmers in Haryana began their protest against the agriculture-related farm bills on Sunday amid elaborate security arrangements which have been made to ensure that the event passes off smoothly.

The Bharatiya Kisan Union's Haryana unit, supported by some other farmer outfits, is holding a statewide protest against the Centre's farm bills during which protesters will block roads for three hours from 12 pm to 3 pm.

The farmers are also joined by the 'arhitiyas' or commission agents during their protest.

Turkey slams Russian jail sentences for Crimean Tatars

19 Sep 2020; MEMO: Turkey on Saturday condemned the conviction of seven Crimean Tatars by a Russian court earlier this week.

The country's Foreign Ministry said in a statement: "It is regrettable to suppress the Tatar Turkish community, which is the essential element of the Crimean Peninsula, by such methods."

The Humanism Project calls for a joint initiative of Global Indian Diaspora to Reclaim India

Melbourne/Sydney; 19 Sep 2020 (UMMN):  Following statement was issued by The Humanism Project – Australia;

The Humanism Project (THP) represents Indians in Australia who belong to various faiths, linguistic and cultural backgrounds and take pride in the rich diversity of our heritage. We are deeply concerned about the human right violations, assault on minorities, suppression of dissent and authoritarian tendencies of the current political dispensation in India.

Israel rabbis issue statement supporting Israeli terrorist convicted of murdering Pelestinian family

18 Sep 2020; MEMO: A group of Israeli rabbis from across the religious Zionist spectrum have issued a statement in support of Amiram Ben Uliel, the Jewish-Israeli terrorist sentenced on Monday to three life sentences for the murder of 18-month-old baby Ali Dawabsheh and his parents, Saad and Riham, on 31 July 2015.

Syria slams US over Trump’s desire to assassinate Assad

18 Sep 2020; MEMO: The Syrian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday slammed US President Donald Trump for saying he wanted to assassinate regime President Bashar Al-Assad a few years ago, Sana news agency reported.

Earlier on Tuesday Trump acknowledged that he wanted to assassinate Al-Assad for using chemical weapons in 2017.

Pakistan: Normalisation with Israel ‘pointless’

18 Sep 2020; MEMO: International normalisation with Israel is “pointless”, Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan, said yesterday.

“We can’t make a decision on a matter that has been rejected by its owners, the Palestinian people,” Khan told reporters. “The Palestinians, the owners of the cause, were deprived from their lands and rights,” he added.

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