UN Chief calls for building more sustainable and equitable world

Antonio Guterres

ehran, Sept 21, IRNA – United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in his message for the International Day of Peace, 21 September 2020, with a focus on International Day of Peace namely “Shaping Peace Together”, said together, I know we can — and will — build a more just, sustainable and equitable world.

According to the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Tehran, UN Secretary-General in his message put emphasis on collective efforts to build a more just, sustainable, and equitable world.

The full text of his message reads:

the International Day of Peace is devoted to urging warring parties everywhere to lay down their weapons and work for harmony. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the world, this call is more important than ever.  That is why I appealed for a global ceasefire in March. 

Our world faces a common enemy:  a deadly virus that is causing immense suffering, destroying livelihoods, contributing to international tensions and exacerbating already formidable peace and security challenges. 

The focus of this year’s International Day of Peace is “Shaping Peace Together.” 

In that spirit, and to mark our 75th anniversary, the United Nations is bringing people together for a global conversation about shaping our future and forging peace in trying times.

In these days of physical distancing, we may not be able to stand next to one another. But we must still stand together for peace.  

And, together, I know we can — and will — build a more just, sustainable and equitable world.