Human Rights

Greek Coast Guard attempts to set asylum seeker on fire

18 Apr 2021; MEMO: The Turkish Coast Guard Command announced on Saturday that it rescued 41 asylum seekers in the Aegean Sea who were pushed back into Turkish territorial waters with one set on fire by the Greek Coast Guard, Anadolu Agency reported.

The command said on its website that coast guard teams were dispatched to rescue asylum seekers early Saturday off the Cesme district in Izmir province.

An asylum seeker with a burn on his leg was handed to Emergency Medical Personnel.

USA: Sikh community seek investigation into Indianapolis terror shooting as potential hate crime

Washington, Apr 18 (PTI) Influential American lawmakers and Sikh community leaders have sought a thorough investigation into the mass shooting at a FedEx facility in the US state of Indiana as a potential hate crime that killed eight people, including four Sikhs.

Indian-American Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi on Saturday called for investigation of potential anti-Sikh motivations in the incident that took place late Thursday night.

Israel prevents non-vaccinated Palestinians from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque

17 Apr 2021; MEMO: Israeli occupation authorities have prevented thousands of Palestinian worshippers from the occupied West Bank from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque on the first Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Arab48 reported.

According to the news website, the Israeli authorities set a condition for the worshippers from the occupied territories to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to obtain access to the Muslim holy site.

US lawmakers submit draft bill to prevent Israel using tax dollars to target children

16 Apr 2021; MEMO: Democratic lawmakers in the US House of Representatives yesterday introduced a bill specifying that Israel should not be allowed to use American taxpayer's money to kill, torture, imprison, displace or otherwise harm Palestinian children and families. Moreover, the draft legislation requires the secretary of state to certify to Congress that US funds are n

Turkey criticises ban on Quran courses in Northern Cyprus

16 Apr 2021; MEMO: Turkey criticised a court ruling on the closure of Quran courses in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), saying the decision "is the product of an ideological and dogmatic mind", Anadolu Agency reports.

According to the news wire, Turkey's communications director Fahrettin Altun said: "To interpret secularism in such a shallow and wrong way is a step towards abolishing fundamental rights and freedoms."

Marwan Barghouti enters 20th year in Israel prisons

16 Apr 2021; MEMO: The Palestinian Fatah Central Committee member and lawmaker Marwan Barghouti has entered his 20th year in Israeli jails on charges of leading the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, the armed wing of the Fatah movement, Anadolu Agency reported.

The Palestinian Prisoners Club said Barghouti, 62, is currently serving a life sentence in Hadarim prison in northern Israel.

UN: 'refer conflict-related sexual violence to ICC'

16 Apr 2021; MEMO: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has recommended the Security Council to refer cases of conflict-related sexual violence in a number of countries to the International Criminal Court (ICC). The countries in question include six members of the Arab League: Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Somalia.

India: 2020 Delhi riots: Court grants bail to Umar Khalid

New Delhi, Apr 15 (PTI) A Delhi court on Thursday granted bail to former JNU student Umar Khalid in a case related to the communal violence in northeast Delhi in February last year, saying that he cannot be made to incarcerate in jail for infinity.

Further, the court said the investigation in the case has been completed and the charge sheet has been filed and it is the case in which Khalid was not physically present at the scene of the crime on the date of the incident.

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