Human Rights

Kenya: Police disperse protesters demonstrating against Israel's attacks on Gaza

15 May 2021; MEMO: Police in Kenya on Thursday fired tear gas bombs to disperse more than 200 people protesting in the capital, Nairobi, against the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip.

The march began after Eid Al-Fitr prayers at a nearby mosque. An eyewitness told Reuters that several protesters had been arrested.

Pakistan on Israeli attacks: 'Not conflict but a massacre'

15 May 2021; MEMO: Pakistan's human rights minister on Saturday took exception to UN chief Antonio Guterres calling the current violence in the Mideast a "conflict," saying it is instead a "massacre."

"With respect honourable SG (secretary general) this is not a conflict but a massacre by an Occupation Power & UN needs to enforce its responsibility to protect the Palestinian people against Israel's state terrorism," Shireen Mazari said on Twitter.

Jordanians demand authorities open border with Palestine

15 May 2021; MEMO: A large number of Jordanians on Friday headed to the country's borders with Palestine to participate in an event called for by activists in support of their brothers in the occupied territories.

The gathering occurred on Friday afternoon in front of the Martyrs of Dignity Memorial in Al-Aghwar Al-Janubi.

Eyewitnesses reported that security forces were present at the gathering location, especially with the continuous arrival of hundreds of participants.

Israel detains deputy head of Islamic Movement in Israel

15 May 2021; MEMO: Israeli police detained the deputy head of the Islamic movement in Israel, Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib, on Friday after breaking into his home in Kafr Kanna in Galilee, northern Israel.

His son told Al Jazeera television that police violently raided the home and assaulted family members.

Clashes erupted between residents and police that left nine Israeli Arabs injured, following the arrest.

Venezuela urges international community to stop Israel's attacks on Gaza

15 May 2021; MEMO: Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza on Friday called on the international community to take action to stop the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip.

Arreaza posted a video on Twitter showing Israel's bombing of a 9-storey building in Gaza that entirely collapsed.

He stressed the need for the United Nations (UN) to ensure an urgent response to these attacks, urging: "An immediate response should be established without bias against any ideology or religion."

'Aggression on Gaza is coming to an end, Hamas has won the battle of consciousness,': Yedioth Ahronoth

15 May 2021; MEMO: Israeli analyses consider that the continuous aggression carried out by the occupation on Gaza since last Monday "is nearing its end," indicating that Hamas has won a battle of consciousness. In contrast, the Israeli army commanders boast of "the air force achievements".

Egypt, Russia say Israel needs to stop Gaza attacks

13 May 2021; MEMO: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov agreed Thursday that Israel needs to stop attacks on the Gaza Strip, Anadolu Agency reported.

In a phone call, the two top diplomats reiterated that Israel should stop the bloodshed, according to a statement issued by the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.

Ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza have killed 83 Palestinians and injured 487 others, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.

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