Human Rights

Bahrain's Gulf Air launches direct flight to Israel

10 Sep 2021; MEMO: Bahrain's national airline, Gulf Air, will for the first time launch direct flights to Israel's Tel Aviv on 30 September, the carrier said in a Twitter post yesterday, Reuters reports.

"We are excited to announce that we will be flying to Tel Aviv starting 30 September 2021 with two weekly flights," the tweet said.

International calls to protect Palestinian prisoners from Israel's brutality

10 Sep 2021; MEMO: The Popular International Committee to Support Palestine has called on the international community to provide protection for the Palestinian prisoners detained in Israeli prisons.

The commission's head, Dr. Essam Youssef said in a statement that occupation authorities violate all international laws and covenants by escalating acts of oppression and abuse against Palestinian prisoners.

UN: 18,000 Yemen civilians killed, wounded in air strikes since 2015

09 Sep 2021; MEMO: A United Nations panel found that 18,000 Yemeni civilians had been killed or wounded in air strikes since 2015 during the ongoing conflict in the country.

A report presented to the Human Rights Council yesterday said Yemenis have been subjected to some ten air strikes a day, a total of more than 23,000 since March 2015.

Afghan teen commits suicide in UK after fear of deportation

09 Sep 2021; MEMO: A teenager who arrived in the UK as an unaccompanied minor has committed suicide believing he might be deported back to Afghanistan after his eighteenth birthday.

The 19-year-old, who has not been named on request of his family members who fear for their safety back home, was found dead at home in Birmingham on 21 April.

A senior coroner for Birmingham and Solihull, Louise Hunt, concluded that he committed suicide.

Islamic Jihad warns Israel not to harm escapees and prisoners

08 Sep 2021; MEMO: Islamic Jihad in Palestine warned Israel yesterday not to harm the six Palestinian escapees or those prisoners still held in its jails, local media have reported.

"Harming the prisoners is a red line, and the occupation must consider carefully what we say and understand that we are ready and able to protect our prisoners by all means," a spokesman for the group's military wing, Al-Quds Brigades, told journalists in Jenin.

HRW calls for international mechanism to monitor human rights abuses in Egypt

08 Sep 2021; MEMO: Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called on the United Nations Human Rights Council to set up an independent international mechanism to monitor and report on the human rights situation in Egypt and investigate grave human rights violations, including enforced disappearances, torture and extrajudicial executions.

Houthi envoy to Iran confirms Israel presence on Yemen's islands

06 Sep 2021; MEMO: The Houthi-led Yemeni government's Ambassador to Tehran, Ibrahim Mohamed Al-Dailami, has confirmed previously made claims about Israel's alleged presence on Yemeni territory, specifically on its strategically located islands.

In an interview published yesterday with Tehran Times, Dailami said there is an Israeli presence on Hanish Island, Mayun Island, and Socotra Island in the Arabian Sea.

India: Pegasus spying row: SC grants more time to Centre

New Delhi, Sep 7 (PTI) The Supreme Court Tuesday granted more time to the Centre to decide on filing a further response to a batch of pleas seeking an independent probe into the alleged snooping of certain people in India through the use of Israeli spyware Pegasus and slated the matter for further hearing on September 13.

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