Human Rights

Palestinian boy, 7, dies after being chased by Israel army

29 Sep 2022; MEMO: A 7-year-old Palestinian child died, Thursday, while being chased by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, according to the Health Ministry, Anadolu News Agency reports.

A Ministry statement said Rayyan Suleiman, from the town of Tuqu near Bethlehem city, had fallen from a height while running away from Israeli soldiers.

Medics failed to save his life and he was pronounced dead shortly after being admitted to Beit Jala Hospital, the statement said.

OIC condemns Israel aggression on Jenin refugee camp

30 Sep 2022; MEMO: The General Secretariat of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned the Israeli aggression on Jenin refugee camp in the northern occupied West Bank which resulted in the death of four Palestinians and dozens being injured, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

"This [Israeli] crime and other previous repeated Israeli crimes and acts of aggression against the Palestinian people require investigation and accountability before the International Criminal Court," the OIC said in a statement.

Israel Elections Committee bans Arab NDA (Balad) party from running

30 Sep 2022; MEMO: The Israeli Central Elections Committee yesterday approved a motion to ban the National Democratic Assembly (Balad) from running in the upcoming Knesset elections.

The committee voted with nine ballots being placed to ban the party and five against the motion. The committee accuses Balad, led by MK Sami Abu Shehadeh, is "undermining Israel as a Jewish and democratic state" and "incitement to racism".

Israel green lights use of drones to assassinate Palestinians in West Bank

29 Sep 2022; MEMO: The Israeli army has green lighted the use of armed drones to carry out assassinations against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, Israeli media reported on Thursday, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Army Chief, Aviv Kochavi, gave his approval to use the armed drones for assassinations and "to carry out strikes should armed gunmen be identified as posing imminent threats to the troops," reported The Jerusalem Post.

Israel defiant against UN resolution to halt illegal settlements: UN Envoy

29 Sep 2022; MEMO: A United Nations Envoy has acknowledged that Israel continues to defy a Resolution by the UN Security Council (UNSC) to immediately cease all activity in building illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, as Tel Aviv has advanced plans for the construction of almost 2,000 housing units for settlements in the past three months.

Palestinians start general strike after another Israeli raid in Jenin

29 Sep 2022; MEMO: Palestinians have launched a full-day general strike in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin in an act of mourning for the four Palestinians killed by Israeli occupation forces yesterday, Wafa news agency has reported. Shops and schools have shut down across the city since the Israeli military raid on Jenin refugee camp which began with dozens of military vehicles entering the camp on Wednesday morning.

Bin Salman signed hackers deal with US general before Khashoggi killing

27 Sep 2022; MEMO: Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman and the cyber institute led by one of his closest aides, Saud Al-Qahtani, signed a deal in early 2018 with the former head of the US National Security Agency, Keith Alexander, to help the Kingdom's de facto ruler train the next generation of Saudi hackers to take on its enemies, the Intercept reported yesterday.

Israel: Police ask settlers to carry weapons during festival season

27 Sep 2022; MEMO: Israeli authorities asked settlers to carry arms during the festive period that began yesterday, local TV channel Kan reported on Sunday.

According to the national broadcaster, authorities recommended that Jewish worshippers carry personal weapons during the Jewish holidays and while in places of worship.

US warns Sudan against hosting Russia military facility

28 Sep 2022; MEMO: US Ambassador to Khartoum, John Godfrey, yesterday warned the Sudanese government of the repercussions of allowing Russia to build a military base in the Red Sea, the Anadolu news agency reported.

In an interview with the Tayyar newspaper, Godfrey said: "There are some reports that Russia is trying to implement the agreement it signed with ousted President Omar Al-Bashir in 2017 to establish a military base along the Red Sea."

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