
OPEC exempts Libya from oil production cut

05 Dec 2020; MEMO:  Libya's National Oil Corporation (NOC) announced on Friday that the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) had exempted it from production cuts because of difficult conditions facing the country.

A statement issued by the NOC confirmed that the decision to exempt Libya from the production cuts was taken during a meeting held on Thursday via video conferencing.

IAEA says it has access to verify Iran Safeguards commitments

London, Nov 22, IRNA - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in its latest statement that it has access to Iranian nuclear sites to verify Iran Safeguards commitments.

"This report of the Director General to the Board of Governors and, in parallel, to the United Nations Security Council, is on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in relation to its enrichment related activities," the statement reads.

Austria: Global Oil Demand To Contract By 9.8 Million Barrels Per Day In 2020: OPEC

VIENNA, Nov 12 (NNN-AGENCIES) – The Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), cut its forecast of global oil demand for 2020, predicting a 9.8 million barrels per day (b/d) year-on-year contraction, in its monthly report published yesterday.

The oil cartel revised down its forecast for world oil demand this year by 0.3 million b/d, citing “weaker-than-expected demand” in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Americas, in the third quarter, and recently announced COVID-19 containment measures by various governments in OECD Europe.

Biden could offer Russia to extend New START for 5 years without preconditions — expert

VIENNA, November 10. /TASS/: If Joe Biden is elected US President, he could very quickly offer Russia to extend New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) for five years without any preconditions, Professor of International Relations at the University of Innsbruck and expert on arms control, Russian and US foreign policy Gerhard Mangott told TASS.

Austria arrests 30 in anti-terrorism raids, says no link to Vienna attack

VIENNA, Nov 10 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Austrian police made 30 arrests in more than 60 raids on Monday as part of an anti-terrorism operation, but there was no link to a deadly attack in Vienna a week ago in which a convicted extremist killed four people, prosecutors said.

Austria has formally remanded in custody 10 suspects in connection with the attack by a 20-year-old gunman who had previously been convicted of trying to join the Daesh group in Syria. Police shot him dead minutes after he opened fire on bars and bystanders in central Vienna.

Gunman who killed 4 in Vienna attack had sought to join IS

VIENNA (AP) — A man who had previously tried to join the Islamic State group rampaged in Vienna armed with an automatic rifle and a fake explosive vest, fatally shooting four people before he was killed by police, Austrian authorities said Tuesday.

Witnesses described dozens of screaming people fleeing the sounds of gunshots Monday night in a nightlife district crowded with revelers enjoying the last hours before a coronavirus lockdown.

Second victim dies following central Vienna shootings

VIENNA, Nov. 2 (Xinhua) -- At least two civilians have been killed and several others seriously injured in multiple shootings Monday evening in central Vienna, said local authorities.

A second civilian, who was among those wounded in the attack, has died, said Vienna Mayor Michael Ludwig on Austrian public television ORF.

The attack broke out near the Seitenstettengasse Temple, or City Prayer House, the main synagogue of Vienna, the police tweeted earlier.

One perpetrator was shot dead by the police, while an officer is among the seriously injured, it said.

2 dead, 15 wounded in Vienna terror attack, authorities say

VIENNA (AP) — Gunmen opened fire on people enjoying a last night out at Vienna’s cafes and restaurants before a coronavirus lockdown Monday in what authorities said was a terrorist attack that left at least two dead — including one of the assailants — and 15 wounded.

“We are victims of a despicable terror attack in the federal capital that is still ongoing,” Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said hours after the gunfire erupted.

UN watchdog: Iran building at underground nuclear facility

Berlin, Oct 28 (AP/PTI) Inspectors from the UN's atomic watchdog have confirmed Iran has started building an underground centrifuge assembly plant after its previous one exploded in what Tehran called a sabotage attack over the summer, the agency's head told The Associated Press.

Iran also continues to stockpile greater amounts of low-enriched uranium, but does not appear to possess enough to produce a weapon, Rafael Grossi, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, told the AP in an interview in Berlin on Tuesday.

IAEA chief: Iran does not have enough uranium to build a nuclear bomb

12 Oct 2020; MEMO: Iran does not, at this stage, have enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear bomb, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi has said.

“The Iranians continue to enrich uranium, and to a much higher degree than they have committed themselves to. And this amount is growing by the month,” Grossi added in an interview published on Saturday in the Austrian Die Presse newspaper.

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