
Chinese envoy calls for political decisiveness, package solutions in Iran nuke talks

VIENNA, May 25 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Tuesday urged all parties concerned to show political decisiveness in the ongoing negotiations to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Wang Qun, Chinese envoy to the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, made the remarks after the JCPOA Joint Commission started a new round of talks on Tuesday.

EU wants dialogue with Russia, needs feedback from Moscow, Austria’s top diplomat says

VIENNA, May 22./TASS/: The European Union wants to build a dialogue with Russia, but Moscow is not interested in it now, Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg maintained on Saturday ahead of the May 24 EU summit where relations with Russia will be in the focus.

Austria's Kurz expects to be charged but cleared in perjury case

(Reuters) --- Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz expects to be charged but eventually cleared in an investigation into whether he gave false testimony to a parliamentary commission, he told Sunday newspapers, ruling out the idea of resigning if indicted.

The investigation by anti-corruption prosecutors, made public, last week poses a stiff political challenge for the conservative Kurz, 34, who governs in coalition with the Greens.

Diplomats from 5 nations resuming Iran nuclear talks

VIENNA (AP) — High-ranking diplomats from China, Germany, France, Russia and Britain are set to resume talks Saturday focused on bringing the United States back into their landmark nuclear deal with Iran.

The U.S. will not have a representative at the table when the diplomats meet in Vienna because former President Donald Trump unilaterally pulled the country out of the deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, in 2018. Trump also restored and augmented sanctions to try to force Iran into renegotiating the pact with more concessions.

Austria: Time For Washington To Act First To Salvage Iran Nuke Deal

VIENNA, Apr 30 (NNN-XINHUA) – The negotiations on getting the United States and Iran to resume compliance with the historic 2015 Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), entered their fourth week in Vienna.

The international community is longing for a major breakthrough in the negotiations. Washington, if sincere in its intent to return to the pact, should act first, given its decision to unilaterally withdraw from the JCPOA and apply maximum pressure on Iran thereafter, setting off the current crisis.

Austria will only use Sputnik V vaccine after EMA approval, Kurz says

(Reuters) --- Austria will only use Russia's Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine once the European Medicines Agency has approved it, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said on Monday, amid growing public frustration with the pace of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Austria has been in talks with Russia to buy a million doses of the vaccine, and Kurz said on March 31 the order would probably be placed the following week. However, that order has yet to be announced.

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