Jewish Chronicle urges Britons not to vote for Labour’s Jeremy Corbyn

by Nasim Ahmed

9 Nov 2019; MEMO: With just over a month to go until the British public cast their vote in what is expected to be a close race in the country’s most important General Election in recent history, a pro-Israel Jewish community newspaper with a worrying track record of making libellous allegations has urged the British electorate not to vote for Jeremy Corbyn.

Continued uncertainty over Brexit raises concerns over impact on Dutch economy

by Maria Vasileiou

THE HAGUE, Nov. 2 (Xinhua) -- As Brexit remains uncertain, an economist with a major Dtuch bank has warned its impact on Dutch business, and raised additional concerns over the impact on the country's export-oriented economy.

"The persistent uncertainty, following the new Brexit extension, hurts firms which have strong exposure to UK markets," said Stefan Koopman, senior market economist at Rabobank.

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinian Christians that nobody is talking about

by Ramzy Baroud

29 Oct 2019; MEMO: Palestine’s Christian population is dwindling at an alarming rate. The world’s most ancient Christian community is moving elsewhere. And the reason for this is Israel.

Christian leaders from Palestine and South Africa sounded the alarm at a conference in Johannesburg on October 15. Their gathering was titled: “The Holy Land: A Palestinian Christian Perspective”.

A clerical “error” by Indian Official could have triggered a nuclear war with Pakistan

By AW Siddiqui

On September 23 2019, two Pakistani fighter jets were dispatched to intercept what looked like an Indian military air craft on their radar screens, intruding Pakistani air space. Fortunately, the Pakistan Air Defense noticed something unusual and decided to check it out, rather than shooting it down.

Is this the beginning of the end of America’s bungling foreign policy in the Middle East?

by Yvonne Ridley

24 Oct 2019; MEMO: I’m bamboozled by all the hand-wringing over the retreat of US troops from Middle Eastern soil in recent weeks. Some American soldiers were pelted with rotten vegetables as their convoy rolled out of northern Syria after President Donald Trump said he wanted to extricate America from “endless wars” in the Muslim world.

The Kurds may well have ‘no friends but the mountains’, but they do have Israel

by Omar Ahmed

21 Oct 2019; MEMO: There is an old saying that “the Kurds have no friends but the mountains”. Poetic, poignant and tragic; but not quite true. Despite the mainstream Western media lamenting the latest “betrayal” of Kurdish allies by the US government, there has been one ally who has had a consistent relationship with the Kurds: Israel.

Wave of Israeli settler's violence kicks off olive harvest in West Bank

by Megan Giovannetti

18 Oct 2019; MEMO: This week, the West Bank witnessed a wave of settler attacks and agricultural terrorism as Palestinian farmers began the year’s olive harvest. Attacks were mainly in northern villages near Nablus and Salfit, governorates with the largest concentration of illegal Israeli settlements.

Labour’s right-wing, anti-Corbyn MPs are slowly purging themselves

by Asa Winstanley

18 Oct 2019; MEMO: So, another one bites the dust. Louise Ellman MP quit the Labour Party this week. The chairperson of Labour Friends of Israel is the latest in a line of right-wing Labour MPs to quit the party in protest against its left-wing leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Demi Lovato proves that Brand Israel is now toxic

by Asa Winstanley

15 Oct 2019; MEMO: “Brand Israel” was launched. As I’ve written before, this public relations strategy was an utter failure. War crimes, apartheid and denial of basic human rights are a hard sell, it seems.

By now, Israel is a completely toxic brand, even for some of its own supporters.

Israel no longer has the support of Western liberals and leftists that it once did.

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