The US bought Sisi for $9bn, but the Egyptian people cannot be swayed

by Amelia Smith

09 Feb 2020; MEMO: When Trump announced Jerusalem was Israel’s undivided capital under his so-called “deal of the century”, the Egyptian public questioned whether Al-Sisi had a hand in preparing the plan. His support, after all, came just half an hour after the announcement.

Turkey’s message to Russia is clear

by Ismail Yasha

05 Feb 2020; MEMO: At dawn on Monday, Syrian regime forces targeted a Turkish observation post in the Idlib governorate, killing eight Turkish citizens, one of them a civilian. The Turkish army responded immediately to the attack, explained Defence Minister Hulusi Akar, and bombed 54 targets belonging to the regime, killing 76 Syrian soldiers.

Russia is using religion to strengthen its influence among Palestinians

by Dr Adnan Abu Amer

02 Feb 2020; MEMO: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas received his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in the city of Bethlehem this week, and not Ramallah. The choice of venue gave the meeting an unmistakably Christian aspect, something that has been used by Russia recently in its foreign relations.

Trump’s ‘Peace Plan’ Is Simply Another Round Of Crumbs Being Thrown From The Apartheid Table

WASHINGTON, Jan 30 (NNN-MEM) – There is no doubt that Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and millions of their compatriots living in squalid refugee camps in neighbouring countries will be appalled that the Trump administration has announced a process to extinguish their legitimate rights by gifting the occupying colonial regime with its “deal of the century.”

This is America’s most generous deal ever for Israel

29 Jan 2019; MEMO: US President Donald Trump has revealed his long-awaited “deal of the century” which has been cunningly rebranded as a “peace plan” to bring “precise technical solutions” for the Palestinians and Israelis and make the Middle East “safer” and “much more prosperous”. He described it as a “win-win opportunity” for Israel and the Palestinians. As America’s most generous deal ever for Israel, I doubt that it will do much of note for the Palestinians.

Global protests reassert opposition to the US presence in the Middle East

by Megan Giovannetti

Last Saturday was a global day of protest against US aggression against Iran and America’s continued military presence in the Middle East. Thousands of people came out in 117 US cities and major cities across 19 countries in an act of solidary with the global anti-war movement.

In the name of ‘Israel’s security’, retreating US gives it billions more in military aid

by Ramzy Baroud

Billions of US taxpayers’ dollars will continue to be funnelled into Israel in the next fiscal year, and for many years in the foreseeable future. Republican and Democratic Senators have recently ensured just that, passing a Bill aimed at providing Israel with $3.3 billion in aid every year.

Free Jonathan Pollak

by Asa Winstanley

18 Jan 2019; MEMO: Back in my mid-twenties, I went off to Palestine to become a solidarity activist.

I volunteered with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) – a group which used to take part in non-violent Palestinian protests in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

All told, I spent the best part of two years in the West Bank, with Palestinians living under the Israeli occupation regime.

Hasn’t the US been a greater source of instability in the Middle East than Iran?

by Nasim Ahmed

During a televised discussion over which country has been the main source of instability in the Middle East, I struggled to place Iran ahead of the US. While it is self-evident that no single country can be held responsible for all of the region’s pain and suffering – just as every individual possesses some degree of agency, however small that maybe, so do states and governments – it would be dishonest to look beyond the US in such conversations.

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