It may not know it, but the US is accelerating the end of Israel’s apartheid regime

by Asa Winstanley

Last week US President Donald Trump’s administration made a notable move. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the US is reversing previous policy which basically accepted that Israel’s colonial settlements in the occupied West Bank are a violation of international law.

Preservation of Turkey’s energy rights is key to maritime stability in the eastern Mediterranean

by Elif Selin Calik

In collaboration with major industrial countries like the US and France, several Mediterranean countries have discovered oil and gas resources under the sea bed. The aim of these countries is twofold: to achieve energy self-sufficiency, and to sell any surplus on the open market.

Pompeo's China-bashing campaign doomed to founder

by Xinhua writer Tian Dongdong

BRUSSELS, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- For far too long, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has without merit bashed China as he scrambled to distract the international community from problems of his country's own making.

When Pompeo urged the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance to unite against a so-called "China threat" on Wednesday at a news conference at NATO headquarters here, he was met with utter indifference.

How Western media bias allows Israel to getaway with murder in Gaza

by Ramzy Baroud

17 Nov 2019; MEMO: An Israeli attack on Gaza was imminent, and not because of any provocations by Palestinian groups in the besieged, impoverished Gaza Strip. The Israeli military escalation was foreseeable because it factors neatly in Israel’s contentious political scene. The war was not a question of “if”, but “when”.

Whilst 18 Israelis are treated for anxiety, 22 Palestinians are taken to the mortuary

by Dr Brendan Ciarán Browne

14 Nov 2019; MEMO: The extrajudicial killing of Bahaa Abu Al-Ata of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement, the second largest faction in the Gaza Strip, has triggered a predictable spike in “conflict related incidents”. As always, it is the Palestinian civilian population residing in the much maligned Gaza Strip who are affected disproportionately.

BRICS summit to usher in new "golden decade" for cooperation

by Xinhua writers Lin Zhaohui, Yan Liang

BRASILIA, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- The 11th BRICS summit to take place here on Nov. 13-14 is poised to usher in a second "golden decade" for more fruitful cooperation of the emerging-market group.

The past 10 years since its first summit in Russia are suitably dubbed a "golden decade" for BRICS, which was originally made up of Brazil, Russia, India and China, and expanded in 2011 to include South Africa.

Despite the hype, Palestinian elections are unlikely to be held

by Abdul Sattar Qassem

11 Nov 2019; MEMO: Finally, it appears that the two major factions, Fatah and Hamas — or rather the Palestinian Authority and Hamas — are preparing for elections. What’s more, both sides reaffirm their willingness to hold elections that are 10 years overdue.

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