Is Trump helping or harming Israel?

by Dr Mustafa Fetouri

5 Sep 2019; MEMO: Many believe United States President Donald Trump is helping Israel in an unprecedented way and the son of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu, Yair, is one of them. Last June he described Trump as “Rockstar in Israel” and “the best friend that Israel and the Jewish people have ever had in the White House.”

The War Ahead: Netanyahu’s Elections Gamble Will be Costly for Israel

by Ramzy Baroud

3 Sep 2019; MEMO: On September 1, the Lebanese group Hezbollah struck an Israeli military base near the border town of Avivim. The Lebanese attack came as an inevitable response to a series of Israeli strikes that targeted four different Arab countries in two days.

High time for concerted global actions against U.S. trade bullyism

by Xinhua writer Guo Yage

BEIJING, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) -- In a recent interview with CNN, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro tried once again to whitewash Washington's escalating trade offensive against China, saying the U.S. government "is using the tariff strategy brilliantly."

Apparently, such a claim ignores the fact that Washington's hawkish trade policy is weighing down the U.S. economy and that of the world as well.

Assad’s debts mount as Putin calls the shots in Syrian ceasefire

by Yvonne Ridley

It is significant to note that Saturday’s ceasefire in Syria was announced by Russia and not by the ruling Assad dynasty, whose corrupt behaviour triggered the brutal civil war back in 2011. Ironically, it is this same family corruption which could bring an end to the horrific conflict which has seen more than half the population displaced and homeless, and hundreds of thousands killed or wounded.

Imran Khan: The World Can’t Ignore Kashmir. We Are All in Danger.

By Imran Khan
Mr. Khan is the prime minister of Pakistan.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — After I was elected prime minister of Pakistan last August, one of my foremost priorities was to work for lasting and just peace in South Asia. India and Pakistan, despite our difficult history, confront similar challenges of poverty, unemployment and climate change, especially the threat of melting glaciers and scarcity of water for hundreds of millions of our citizens.

Four lessons Washington needs to learn from trade war with China

by Xinhua writer Jiang Li

BEIJING, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- Students in many parts of the world are heading back to school at this time of year for a new semester. Just like them, it is also time for trade hawks in Washington to start learning at least four lessons from their futile trade war with China.

The first lesson is that China is an unbent nail in face of U.S. tactic of maximum pressure.

Kashmir: Ominous Signs: Betrayal of Trust

by Sitaram Yechury

21 Aug 2019; Ganashakti: On August 9, I along with CPI general secretary, D Raja proceeded to Srinagar after the central government had, on August 5, dismantled the state of Jammu and Kashmir and divided it into two centrally administered union territories. This was done through a virtual military takeover and arresting mainstream political leaders.

A new black mark in the history of the UAE and Bahrain

by Abdulaziz Kilani

27 Aug 2019; MEMO: Despite the fact that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently revoked the special status that granted rights to Kashmir and its people to make their own constitution, the government of the UAE has awarded him the country’s highest civilian honour. This is a new low, even by the UAE’s standards, and a black mark in its history.

Trump’s anti-Semitic comments have a history in Zionism

by Asa Winstanley

24 Aug 2019; MEMO: US President Donald Trump added to his repertoire of racist comments this week, by making his latest, most openly anti-Semitic remark yet.

“Any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat – I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty,” he said.

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