Soleimani’s assassination: America’s declaration of war on Iran

by Omar Ahmed

03 Jan 2019; MEMO: The decade has begun with a serious escalation in tensions between the US and Iran and further provocations which amount to acts of war now the Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp’s Quds Forces Qasem Soleimani has been killed in air strikes near Baghdad Airport.

Hindu nationalists are seeking the Israelification of India; they must be stopped

by Nasim Ahmed

In their quest to refashion India as a Hindu state, Hindutva extremists have placed themselves on a collision course with the country’s secular constitution. Their goal is no less than the reformation of India as an ethno-religious state affording special rights and privileges to Hindus within a multi-tier system of citizenship. The model state that they aspire to replicate is Israel.

Will the ICC actually hold Israel to account over war crimes?

by Yvonne Ridley

Why does Israel consider itself to be above the law? And why do supporters of the Zionist state look the other way when its war crimes raise their ugly head? Accusations followed by routine denials are the norm now that the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor has announced that she wants to open an investigation into charges of war crimes committed by Israel against Palestinians; the cyclical farce of denying not only the charges but also that the court has any jurisdiction continues.

Erdogan: The revolutionary enigma who holds the West in sway

by Muhammad Hussein

There are few political enigmas these days – strongmen, yes, but not enigmas. We have US President Donald Trump, who is far from it; we have UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is Trump without the charm, and we have various leaders across Europe and the world who somehow fit on either side of the right vs left political spectrum. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, however, is an exception.

Netanyahu condenses Israel’s history into one sentence

by Ibrahim Hewitt

A few days ago, Benjamin Netanyahu condensed the history of the Zionist state of Israel into one sentence: “These European countries should be ashamed of themselves. Have they learned nothing from history? … They are enabling a fanatic terrorist state to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, thereby bringing disaster to themselves and upon everyone else.”

How to Commit War Crimes and Get Away With It


U.S. President Donald Trump sacked his Navy secretary on Twitter. The main reason is that the Navy secretary did not follow Trump’s advice regarding Navy Special Warfare Operator Edward Gallagher. Trump wanted Gallagher to retain his position as a Navy Seal.

Gallagher was accused of stabbing to death a wounded fighter of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) in 2017; he was also accused of other incidents of murder (of a schoolgirl and an elderly man), and then of obstruction of justice.

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