Why did Netanyahu pull back on West Bank annexation?

by Motasem A Dalloul

Despite the opposition of many Israeli officials and world leaders, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to be determined to push ahead with his annexation of large parts of the occupied Palestinian West Bank on 1 July. However, the date set for the annexation process to begin came and went, and nothing happened.

Churchill was an anti-Semite who embraced Zionism as a colonial tool

by Asa Winstanley

Recent Black Lives Matter protests in Britain have thrown a light on the country’s history of colonialism, racism and slavery. Throughout the 17th century, and much of the 18th, the British Empire was a leading force in the transatlantic slave trade. The trade was imposed by Europe on Africa, and was a centuries-long system of barbarism unparalleled in history.

Commentary: Washington Should Reflect On Its Double Standards On Human Rights

GENEVA, June 22 (NNN-XINHUA) – The U N Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted a resolution, strongly condemning the continuing racially discriminatory and violent practices, perpetrated by law enforcement agencies, against Africans and people of African descent.

The resolution, in particular, denounced police brutality that led to the deaths of U.S. citizen, George Floyd, in Minneapolis and other people of African descent.

The journalist who threw his shoes at George W Bush ‘would do it again’

by Anjuman Rahman

It is seventeen years since US bombs started to rain on Baghdad. The illegal US-led 2003 invasion caused more than 150,000 deaths, cost trillions of dollars and its repercussions continue to have serious effects across the region, on foreign policy and on thousands of families.

The ‘Palestinian Chair’: Exposing Israel’s direct role in US police violence

by Ramzy Baroud

The banning of deadly police practices by many American states and cities following the murder of an African American man, George Floyd, at the hands of Minneapolis police officers is, once more, shedding light on US-Israeli collaboration in the fields of security and crowd-control.

USA: Fallacious Harvard coronavirus study an insult to science

by Xinhua writer Jiang Li

BEIJING, June 13 (Xinhua) -- American Broadcasting Company (ABC) News recently cited a new study released on the DASH academic platform of Harvard University to suggest that the coronavirus epidemic might have been spreading as early as August last year in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

A cold war is brewing in Jerusalem between Turkey and an Israel-Saudi alliance

by Dr Ahmed Al-Burai

10 June 2020; MEMO: Back in 2017, two Israeli advisors to the Jerusalem Municipality, David Koren and Ben Avrahami, shared their concerns about Turkey’s increasingly visible role in the Holy City. These two figures oversee all of the municipality’s interactions with Muslims and Christians in Jerusalem. They are fully aware of the fine details of the incongruous interests, discrepancies and tensions among all segments of the local population.

More prisons and fewer hospitals as the destruction of Egypt continues

by Wael Qandil

The real catastrophe in Egypt is not the Covid-19 pandemic reaching its peak, but the peaking of stupidity and disregard for citizens’ needs. The country is facing the coronavirus on less than 10 per cent of medicine and more than 90 per cent of security, militarism, quackery and sorcery.

WEEK 11 of Corona Lockdown

In the Renaissance, it was widely believed that weasels conceived through their ears and gave birth through their mouth. Given the apparent deafness of our leadership, and the strange utterances that emerge from their lips, I presume their ears and mouths, like the weasels, are occupied with some other preoccupying activity.

Trump’s war on black Americans is a desperate political gamble in election year

by Nasim Ahmed

03 June 2020; MEMO: The sight of US army boots on foreign ground has been a common sight over the past seven decades. According to one estimate, Washington’s proclivity for military solutions has seen US troops deployed in 150 countries around the world.

‘Wolf Warrior Diplomacy’: Israel’s China Strategy in Peril

by Ramzy Baroud

Israel’s balancing act that allowed it to reap America’s unconditional and, often, blind support, while slowly benefiting from China’s growing economic influence and political prestige, is already floundering.

Thanks to the heated cold war between the US and Chinese economic superpowers, the Israeli strategy of playing both sides is unlikely to pay dividends in the long run.

China delayed releasing coronavirus info, frustrating WHO

By The Associated Press

(AP) --- Throughout January, the World Health Organization publicly praised China for what it called a speedy response to the new coronavirus. It repeatedly thanked the Chinese government for sharing the genetic map of the virus “immediately,” and said its work and commitment to transparency were “very impressive, and beyond words.”

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