Israel is racing to destroy Palestinian properties while Trump is in office

by Yousef Alhelou

Last week, Israeli occupation forces carried out the largest demolition in years in the occupied West Bank. Some 76 Palestinian-owned properties, tents, sheds, structures and animal fodder were destroyed in the occupied Jordan Valley village of Khirbet Humsa. Almost 80 people, including 41 children, were displaced as winter approaches in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Kamala Harris: The inspiring story of many firsts

Washington, Nov 8 (PTI) Known as the "female Obama", first time Senator Kamala Devi Harris has scripted history by becoming first woman, Black and Indian-American vice president of the United States.

Harris was picked by Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden as his running mate in August, months after she suspended her own presidential dreams, saying she lacked the financial resources to continue her campaign.

Biden will continue strengthening India-US relationship, say experts

By Lalit K Jha

Washington, Nov 8 (PTI) President-elect Joe Biden will continue strengthening India-US relationship, think-tanks and prominent Indian-American experts have said.

"A Biden administration will be mostly positive for India," said Rick Rossow from the Centre for Strategic and International Studies think tank.

"I expect most positive areas of cooperation -- notably defence -- to be maintained," he said.

France should grow up and apply liberté, égalité, fraternité to all of its citizens

by Yvonne Ridley

It looks as if French President Emmanuel Macron is looking for a way out of the mess he has created with his fiery rhetoric and attack on the Muslim world and his Turkish counterpart, one of the most popular Muslim leaders. Of course, it is hard to tell if Macron is genuinely sorry for the hurt and pain he has caused the world’s Muslims, or is simply more concerned about the potential havoc that a boycott of all things French will have on his country’s economy and his own chances of being re-elected.

Seeing through France’s double standards and hypocrisy

by Lukman Harees

Recent events in Paris have quickly seized global attention. Last month, two people were stabbed outside the former offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, after it republished the controversial caricatures mocking the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to emphasise the right to free speech. Then, a high school history teacher was brutally murdered on 16 October on a street in a Paris suburb, who had reportedly shown images mocking the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in a lesson on freedom of expression.

The 4Gotten generation: An open letter to India’s youth: Get off that smartphone. It can destroy you

Dear friends,

I don’t know if this letter will even reach you, despite being published in a big newspaper. Many of you are so busy with your phones, watching videos, playing video games, chatting with your friends, commenting on social media, or just scrolling through the feeds of beautiful celebrities, reading an article falls way down on the priority list.

France is curbing freedom in the name of freedom

by Muhammad Hussein

France under President Emmanuel Macron has been making more than a few international waves over the past few months. It has involved itself in the dispute between Greece and Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean, for example, and given tacit support to the rogue Libyan Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar against the government backed by the UN and, among others, Turkey.

Insults in the Name of Free Speech - does Macron need a mental check?

By AW Siddiqui

In his speech in Les Mureaux on October 2, 2020 President Emmanuel Macron has unveiled a plan to defend France’s secular values against what he termed as “Islamist radicalism”, saying the religion was “in crisis” all over the world.

“Islam is a religion that is in crisis all over the world today, we are not just seeing this in our country,” he said.

The world is changing: China launches campaign for superpower status

by Ramzy Baroud

The outdated notion that China ‘just wants to do business’ should be completely erased from our understanding of the rising global power’s political outlook.

Simply put, Beijing has long realized that, in order for it to sustain its economic growth unhindered, it has to develop the necessary tools to protect itself, its allies and their combined interests.

What does the UN registration of the Turkey-Libya maritime agreement mean?

by Elif Selin Calik

Earlier this month, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres registered the Turkey-Libya deal on the delimitation of maritime jurisdiction in the Mediterranean. Under Article 102 of the UN Charter, “Every treaty and every international agreement entered into by any Member of the United Nations… shall as soon as possible be registered with the Secretariat and published by it.” By registering their agreement with the UN, Turkey and Libya have effectively elevated it to the level of an international treaty.

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