Three women, loads of lies and the destruction of Libya

by Dr Mustafa Fetouri

Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Samantha Power were the three principal advocates of war against Libya in 2011, setting the North African nation on a free fall ever since. Demonstrations broke out in some Libyan cities against the government of late Muammar Gaddafi in February 2011, in what became known as the “Arab Spring” that engulfed the region. However, Libya’s promised spring turned into a destructive autumn during which Gaddafi was murdered on 20 October, 2011, and Libya was left anguishing in lawlessness, courtesy of the three women.

Netanyahu is making Israel a dictatorship

by Dr Adnan Abu Amer

At the height of Israel’s preoccupation with the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and the increased internal criticism of the government’s failure to deal with it and stop its spread, internal protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have intensified, and calls for his resignation have increased.

These calls are being made either due to suspicion of corruption on his part, or his failure to adopt a successful policy against the epidemic.

I am a beef-eating Hindu Brahmin

by Swati Thiyagarajan

So I am a beef-eating Hindu Brahmin, married to a South African of no religious affiliation. I am a trained Bharat Natyam dancer and I also love hip-hop, belly-dancing and jazz ballet. I studied Sanskrit and Tamil as second languages along with Hindi which I still struggle to speak with correct grammar and pronounciation, making English my first language. Tamil is my mother tongue. I love Yoga, I love chanting Sanskrit shlokas but over and above all of that, I am a woman and an Indian.

It’s a challenge to support Azerbaijan when its government is pro-Israel

by Omar Ahmed

The renewed conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region has the propensity to draw in regional powers such as Iran, Russia and Turkey, and thus become a proxy war in the South Caucasus. The conflict is one that is already progressing towards outright war as fighting has now escalated, with cities being bombed, a rising death toll and allegations of cluster bombs being used.

India: Open letter to UP CM - Rape and murder of a daughter

Dear Yogi Adityanath Ji,

When you became the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh in March 2017, I likened it to Confucius coming to power in China in 500 BC. You also came close to Plato’s concept of the philosopher king, although the experiment of religious leaders holding political power was never a success anywhere in the world.

The popular protests in Egypt against Sisi have broken through the wall of fear

by Feras Abu-Helal

The popular protests in many Egyptian cities over the past two weeks cannot be considered as normal events, regardless of their size and spread. This is because merely participating in demonstrations means facing possible imprisonment or death under an oppressive and authoritarian regime that does not give any weight to basic human rights.

Turkey, Italy will strengthen ties to defend Mediterranean rights, says former admiral

by Elif Selin Calik

Turkey’s 21st-century geopolitical strategy is called the Blue Homeland. It is the brainchild of retired Rear Admiral Cem Gurdeniz, who talked to MEMO about Turkey’s eastern Mediterranean policy, which envisions Turkey ignoring the internationally-recognised coastal rights of islands and laying exclusive claim to huge chunks of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

The League of Shame

by Dr Amira Abo el-Fetouh

I did not expect a courageous response from the so-called Arab league regarding the UAE-Israel normalisation agreement, because the dead cannot talk, and the Arab League is basically dead and buried after rejecting the draft Palestinian resolution to condemn the deal. It did so despite the fact that such normalisation is a departure from the resolutions of Arab and Islamic summits and the peace initiative that the organisation itself adopted at the 2002 Beirut summit.

Macron has toned down his anti-Turkey rhetoric, but is it enough?

by Motasem A Dalloul

As the tension over maritime borders in the East Mediterranean was escalating between Turkey and Greece, France stepped up with a big stick in support of its fellow EU member and threatened Turkey. President Emanuel Macron said that the government in Ankara “is no longer a partner.”

Iran’s move towards China will have global ramifications

by Mahan Abedin

The decision by Iran and China to embark on what amounts to a 25-year strategic partnership has touched off a flurry of analysis and speculation around the world. The agreement – which has yet to be formalised – is set to transform Iran’s foreign policy outlook by triggering a move towards the East.

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