Macron’s ‘red lines’ against Turkey reveals France’s neo-Napoleonic mission

by Muhammad Hussein

Not since Napoleon stepped foot on the shores of Alexandria in July 1798, embarking on his short-lived invasion of Egypt, has a Frenchman so imperiously sought to topple a native regional power in the eastern Mediterranean while still appealing to the local population.

Australia: NSW Parliament calls for review of trade ties with India over CAA

by Deepak Joshi

India’s draconian Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 (CAA), and the Modi Government’s authoritarian response to protests and dissent, got a mention in the New South Wales parliament of Australia. Australian Greens Senator Mr David Shoebridge MLC moved a motion against CAA on Thursday 27 August 2020 that calls for review of Australia’s trade links with India over concern for human rights violations.

The motion called upon the Australian Government to:

Palestinians need to discard and disregard US and international misrepresentations

by Ramona Wadi

Predictably, Donald Trump’s Senior Adviser Jared Kushner exhibited no historical discernment when justifying the normalisation of relations between Israel and the UAE, and how this will affect the Palestinian people’s political rights.

Israel stands to get a huge economic boost through its deal with the UAE

by Motasem A Dalloul

Yesterday, the first commercial Israeli flight arrived in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. This was organised just two weeks after US President Donald Trump announced the peace deal between the UAE and the occupation state of Israel. Trump tweeted that the deal is a “HUGE breakthrough” and a “Historic Peace Agreement between our two GREAT friends, Israel and the United Arab Emirates!”

Sudarshan News’ ‘bureaucracy jihad’ – How to stop Hindutva ‘Jihad’?

By AW Siddiqui

In recent results of the Indian UPSC Civil Services exam, Muslim candidates have shown a slightly better performance than previous years, though still insignificant when compared to their population. They secured about 4% of the seats - significantly under-represented when looking at 13.4% of the population they share.

Israel is frustrated at the failure to tackle the BDS movement

by Dr Adnan Abu Amer

Israel is frustrated at its failure to tackle the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement despite the huge budget allocated to the task and the recruitment of pro-Israel activists worldwide to help. The movement continues to flourish in its effort to get Israel to abide by international law.

Netanyahu vs Gantz: Gaza Escalation as Reflection of Israel’s Political Rivalry

by Ramzy Baroud

Only recently, the Palestinian group, Hamas, and Israel seemed close to reaching a prisoner exchange agreement, where Hamas would release several Israeli soldiers held in Gaza while Israel would set free an unspecified number of Palestinian detainees held in Israeli prisons.

Is France isolated by EU countries due to its Libya-Turkey policy?

by Dr Mustafa Fetouri

France and Turkey, two NATO allies, are escalating the military situation in the Eastern Mediterranean over the growing dispute between Turkey and Greece – also NATO members. On 14 August, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu urged that France should refrain from taking any steps that “escalate tensions”.

Hands off Lebanon: Macron's self-serving 'New Pact' must be shunned

by Ramzy Baroud

French President, Emmanuel Macron, is in no position to pontificate to Lebanon about the need for political and economic reforms. Just as thousands of Lebanese took to the streets of Beirut demanding “revenge” against the ruling classes, the French people have relentlessly been doing the same; both peoples have been met with police violence and arrests.

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