
Crisis looms in Syria camps, jails holding foreign nationals

ROJ CAMP, Syria (AP) — It was night when Zakia Kachar heard the sounds of footsteps approach her tent in a detention camp for foreigners affiliated with Islamic State group extremists. With rocks in their hands, the wives of IS fighters had come for her.

She fled with her children to another area of the Roj Camp in northeast Syria. “They wanted to kill me,” she said.

Earlier that day, the dual Serbian-German national had fought back in an altercation with a camp resident disapproving of her wearing makeup. The woman had bitten her, and Kachar slapped her in defense.

Syria's main Druze city sees more unrest, calls for Friday protests

11 Feb 2022; MEMO: Tens of Syrian protesters gathered on Thursday in the mainly Druze city of Sweida to protest against worsening economic conditions and subsidy cuts that came into force last week, residents, activists and local officials said on Thursday, and Reuters reports.

Israel raids on Syria pose threat to international aviation, warns Russia

10 Feb 2022; MEMO: Continuous Israeli raids on Syria are violating international law and complicating the situation in the region, a Russian official warned yesterday.

Russian Ambassador to Syria, Alexander Efimov, told Novosti that Russia was "strongly condemning the Israeli raids on Syria."

"Moscow is constantly informing Israel of its stance against these violations," he added.

Syria: Stung by prison battle, Kurds say they need help against IS

HASSAKEH, Syria (AP) — Weeks after the long, furious battle with militants from the Islamic State group over a prison in northwestern Syria, the mangled wreckage of a car used by suicide bombers still sat outside its perimeter. Cranes put in place new cement blast walls to close off the entrance.

Gaping holes remained in the prison’s outer wall, an ominous reminder of the IS inmates who escaped during the fighting.

330 people killed in Daesh prison break in Syria: Report

31 Jan 2022; MEMO: Some 320 people have been killed since Daesh militants attacked Al-Sina'a Prison in northeast Syria on 20 January, a war monitor said yesterday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), which relies on a network of sources inside the war-torn country, said that 246 Daesh militants, 79 Kurdish fighters and seven civilians have been killed so far in the assault.

Syria: Assad regime announces prosecuting US officials

29 Jan 2022; MEMO: The Syrian Bashar Al-Assad regime called on the US to withdraw its forces from Syrian territories, threatening that it would prosecute officials in the administration and US forces.

In a statement on Thursday evening, the Military Prosecution of the Assad regime declared that it would: "Prosecute officials in the administration and the US forces for the presence of evidence of violations committed by the US forces in Syria."

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