
Syria Democratic Forces recapture prison stormed by Daesh

27 Jan 2022; MEMO: The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) yesterday announced that they had regained full control of the Al-Sina'a Prison, six days after Daesh militants attacked the prison to free thousands of the group's fighters.

"The Peoples' Hammer Operation has culminated with our entire control of the Al-Sina'a Prison in Al-Hasakah and the surrender of all Daesh terrorists," SDF spokesman Farhad Shami said in a message posted online.

U.S. forces send 130 tankers of "stolen Syrian oil" to Iraq: state media

DAMASCUS, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. forces in northeastern Syria sent 130 tankers of "stolen Syrian oil" to Iraq in recent hours, state news agency SANA reported Wednesday.

With the help of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, the batch of "stolen" oil was sent from Syria's northeastern province of Hasakah to northern Iraq through a corridor set up by the U.S. forces leading up to Mahmoudiyah, a central Iraqi town just south of the capital Baghdad, SANA said.

The corridor is also being used to smuggle goods into Kurdish-controlled areas in Syria, it added.

Children as young as 9 trapped in besieged prison in northeast Syria

26 Jan 2022; MEMO: Fears are growing for some 850 children possibly as young as nine-years-old trapped inside a prison in northeast Syria after an attack carried out by Daesh fighters.

Last Thursday several Daesh prisoners escaped after a car bomb was detonated along the perimeter of the prison and vehicles rammed the prison walls.

Russian, Syrian jets launch joint patrols over Syria's borders

24 Jan 2022; MEMO: Russian and Syrian military jets conducted joint patrols throughout the airspace over Syria's borders today, with more flights and patrols set to take place on a regular basis.

According to the Interfax News Agency which cited Russia's Defence Ministry, the aircraft used in the patrols included fighter and fighter-bomber jets, as well as early warning and control aircraft.

Assad regime tortured over 653 Palestinian refugees to death since 2011

23 Jan 2022; MEMO: The total number of Palestinian refugees tortured to death by the regime of Bashar al-Assad since the beginning of the Syrian revolution has risen to 653, a rights group has reported.

According to statistics released by the Action Group for Palestinians in Syria (AGPS), four Palestinian refugees died under torture in the Syrian regime's vast prison network last year, bringing the total number to 653 throughout the course of the ongoing decade-long conflict.

Raqqa residents reject Syrian regime reconciliation proposals

20 Jan 2022; MEMO: Dozens of Syrians protested on Wednesday in Shammas Square in Raqqa city center against the regime's reported plans to settle the status of wanted residents.

The protesters held banners that read "No reconciliation with the regime," "Reconciliation is treachery and injustice to the oppressed," and "Reconciliation is trading in the martyrs' blood."

The protesters called for the overthrow of the Syrian regime and rejected attempts to exploit the people using "fake reconciliation" schemes.

UN Envoy says Syria does not need regime change, country is safe under Assad

17 Jan 2022; MEMO: The United Nations' Special Envoy to Syria has dismissed the need for regime change in Syria and said that the country is stable under President Bashar Al-Assad, seeming to confirm fears by many that the UN is in favour of cooperating with Assad.

Geir Pedersen made the comments in a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, yesterday during his visit to Iran, in which the two discussed the ongoing situation in Syria and the path towards a political solution.

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