
Syria gas attack victims, awaiting justice, say impunity fuels war crimes

IDLIB, Syria/BEIRUT, April 10 (Reuters) - Abdel Hamid al-Youssef said 25 members of his family, including his wife and infant twins, were killed when poison gas was dropped on their town in Syria in 2017, in an attack a U.N.-backed inquiry concluded was launched by the Syrian state.

"In seconds, everything was erased. Life was completely erased," Youssef, 33, said of the sarin attack that struck the town of Khan Sheikhoun, one of scores of times chemical weapons have reportedly been used in the country's 11-year-old war.

Syria: UN calls for urgent action on missing persons file

09 April 2022; MEMO: The United Nations (UN) has called on the international community to act urgently and take tangible measures to promote human rights, human dignity and justice in Syria and resolve the missing persons file.

This came in a session held by the UN General Assembly on Friday to hear a statement from the High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on the human rights situation in Syria.

Syria's war-battered ancient marketplace under reconstruction

ALEPPO, Syria, April 4 (Xinhua) -- Amid the ruins in the old city of Aleppo, energetic construction workers are building and fixing the famous walled ancient marketplace, hoping to restore business life in the area to its former glory.

During Syria's protracted war, many sections of the al-Madina Souq, the world's largest covered historic market, were destroyed, either ruined or burnt.

The reconstruction of the ancient market started in late 2018, about two years after the government regained control of the eastern part of Aleppo city.

In war-torn Syria, a charity offers hope to kids with cancer

DAMASCUS, SYria (AP) — At the children’s cancer ward in a hospital in the Syrian capital of Damascus, children walk down brightly painted corridors, hooked up to IV needles delivering critical treatment into their bloodstream.

Nurses tend to babies and teenagers getting chemotherapy sit in reclining chairs. Other children, in a nearby playroom, draw and color to pass the time.

Russia threatens to stop aid entry to northern Syria

26 March 2022; MEMO: Russia has threatened to prevent the entry of humanitarian aid into north-western Syria through the Bab Al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey.

The Russian deputy permanent representative to the United Nations (UN), Dmitry Polyanskiy, stated that his country: "Will not turn a blind eye to the failure of Western countries to comply with the resolution on cross-border humanitarian aid in Syria."

Syria: Daesh attacks Assad regime sites

19 March 2022; MEMO: Daesh has documented its attacks using tanks and armoured vehicles on Assad regime sites in the Homs governorate, central Syria.

On Thursday, the organisation released a video showing its operatives using tanks, a BMP vehicle, a 23mm cannon and 57mm guns.

This indicates the organisation's increased military and war capabilities and its transition from rapid attacks and ambushes to a new strategy in the war.

Israel warplanes bomb areas surrounding Damascus

07 March 2022; MEMO: Israeli planes bombed sites belonging to the militias of the Assad regime and Iran near the Syrian capital, Damascus, in southern Syria today.

The Syrian state news agency (SANA) quoted a military source as saying: "At around five o'clock this morning, the Israeli enemy carried out an airstrike coming from south of Beirut, hitting some targets in the vicinity of the city of Damascus."

Syria opposition slams West's 'double standards' over response to Ukraine war

05 March 2022; MEMO: The Syrian opposition has condemned the West's "double standards" in its reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine in comparison to the Russian bombardment of Syria, as well as difference in treatment towards both countries' refugees.

Speaking to the Turkish Anadolu Agency, the head of the Syrian Negotiation Commission, Anas Al-Abdah, expressed his disappointment at Western nations' difference in their approach towards aiding the Ukrainian government and the Syrian opposition.

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