New York

USA: Donald Trump wants future Republican debates to be canceled after refusing to participate in them

New York(AP) —Donald Trump ‘s campaign is calling on the Republican National Committee to cancel all remaining presidential primary debates, saying the RNC must instead “refocus its manpower” on defeating Joe Biden next year.

In a statement late Monday, top Trump advisers also repeated debunked falsehoods about election fraud, claiming without evidence that Democrats are working to steal the 2024 election. Trump has maintained that the 2020 election was stolen, despite multiple legal cases, investigations and his own attorney general finding no fraud.

USA: As Trump returns to court, judge in his fraud trial clarifies comments ex-president took as a win

NEW YORK (AP) — A New York judge indicated Tuesday that he’s not embracing former President Donald Trump’s view that most claims in his civil business fraud trial are too old for court, as the defense had hoped the judge would after the trial’s first day.

With Trump voluntarily in court for a second day, Judge Arthur Engoron set the record straight about a comment that the ex-president had claimed as an important victory.

Elon Musk says he looks forward to attending Turkiye's TEKNOFEST 2024

29 September 2023; MEMO: Tesla and SpaceX CEO, Elon Musk, said on Friday that he will be attending Turkiye’s largest tech and aviation event TEKNOFEST next year, Anadolu Agency reports.

Thanking Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for the invitation, Elon Musk said on X: “I look forward to attending in person next year, as well as discussing further opportunities for investment in Turkiye.”

USA: Donald Trump says he will be in courtroom for New York trial scrutinizing his business practices

NEW YORK (AP) — With control over some of his most prized real estate holdings in jeopardy, former President Donald Trump says he will make a rare, voluntary trip to court in New York on Monday for the start of a civil trial in a lawsuit that already has resulted in a judge ruling that he committed fraud in his business dealings.

“I’m going to Court tomorrow morning to fight for my name and reputation,” Trump wrote Sunday night on his Truth Social platform.

Venezuelan FM says supports China's global initiatives on development, security, civilization

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 23 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil said Saturday that his country supports China-proposed global initiatives on development, security, and civilization.

Venezuela applauds the efforts of countries that contribute to dialogue, understanding, global peace, and common progress, such as China, he told the General Debate of the UN General Assembly.

UN chief condemns terrorist attacks in Pakistan

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned Friday's two separate terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

"We very much condemn the terrorist attacks that took place in Pakistan, killing more than 50 people. The people responsible need to be held to account," said Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for the UN chief, when asked for Guterres' reaction to the attacks.

USA: New York stunned and swamped by record-breaking rainfall as more downpours are expected

NEW YORK (AP) — One of New York’s wettest days in decades left the metropolitan area stunned and swamped Friday after heavy rainfall knocked out several subway and commuter rail lines, stranded drivers on highways, flooded basements and shuttered a terminal at LaGuardia Airport for hours.

Some 8.65 inches (21.97 centimeters) of rain had fallen at John F. Kennedy Airport by nightfall Friday, surpassing the record for any September day set during Hurricane Donna in 1960, the National Weather Service said.

USA: New York City area under state of emergency after storms flood subways, strand people in cars

NEW YORK (AP) — A potent rush-hour rainstorm swamped the New York metropolitan area on Friday, shutting down some subways and commuter railroads, flooding streets and highways, and delaying flights into LaGuardia Airport.

Up to 5 inches (13 centimeters) of rain fell in some areas overnight, and as much as 7 inches (18 centimeters) more was expected throughout the day, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said Friday morning.

By midday, although there was a break in the downpour, Mayor Eric Adams urged people to stay put if possible.

USA: UNGA meeting Wednesday for update on 2022 resolution urging support for flood-hit Pakistan

UNITED NATIONS, Sep 27 (APP): The U.N. General Assembly is holding an informal meeting Wednesday afternoon to review the implementation of its last year’s resolution calling on the world community to increase aid and keep up the political will to support the country’s recovery long-term.

That resolution also expressed solidarity with the government and people of Pakistan in dealing with the aftermath of the devastation left behind the climate-induced flooding.

USA: UN general debate concludes with renewed commitment to combat global challenges, create solidarity

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- The General Debate of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) concluded Tuesday, with global leaders stating that the UN remains a paramount platform for crafting solutions to humanity's challenges.

In his concluding remarks, General Assembly President Dennis Francis underscored the unwavering dedication of the UN to bring peace, prosperity, and sustainability to the world.

"The United Nations remains focused on the collective challenges of our time," he said.

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