USA: UNGA meeting Wednesday for update on 2022 resolution urging support for flood-hit Pakistan

U.N. General Assembly

UNITED NATIONS, Sep 27 (APP): The U.N. General Assembly is holding an informal meeting Wednesday afternoon to review the implementation of its last year’s resolution calling on the world community to increase aid and keep up the political will to support the country’s recovery long-term.

That resolution also expressed solidarity with the government and people of Pakistan in dealing with the aftermath of the devastation left behind the climate-induced flooding.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who saw some of the damage for himself during a visit to Pakistan in the wake of August floods, will be the keynote speaker at the meeting to be held in the Trusteeship Council Chamber.

The President of the 193-member Assembly, Dennis Francis, will open the meeting, followed by senior representatives from the U.N. System (United Nations Development Programme Administrator, United Nations
Children’s Fund Executive Director, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs Assistant Secretary-General).

They will update Member States on relief, reconstruction, and rehabilitation efforts in support of the Government of Pakistan in response to the effects o floods.

Pakistan UN Ambassador Munir Akram will also speak at the event.

The Assembly’s Oct 7, 2022, resolution also urged the U.N. to step up efforts to “sensitize the international community” to Pakistan’s needs and “mobilize effective, immediate and adequate international support and assistance.”

Record-breaking floods in Pakistan affected over 33 million people and killed 1,700 or more. Nearly 8 million people were displaced, with many still living in tents and makeshift homes.

On his return from Pakistan in August 2022, the UN chief reminded the Assembly of the losses: more than 2 million homes were damaged or destroyed, and crops and livestock were ravaged. He said at that time the disaster could thrust more than 15 million people into poverty.