New York

USA: Trump returns to his civil fraud trial, hears an employee and an appraiser testify against him

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump returned Tuesday to the civil fraud trial that imperils his real estate empire, watching and deploring the case as an employee and an outside appraiser testified that his company essentially put a thumb on the scale when sizing up his properties’ value.

UN Security Council rejects Russian resolution on Israel-Hamas war

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 17 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The UN Security Council on Monday rejected a Russian resolution condemning spiraling violence in the Middle East, with delegates refusing to back a motion that did not single out Hamas for its surprise attack on Israel that left at least 1,400 people dead.

The council huddled as Israel readied for an expected ground assault on the Gaza Strip, after air and artillery strikes that officials say have killed at least 2,750 people.

USA: Chinese envoy calls for Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire, protection of civilians

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 17 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Monday called for a cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians for the protection of civilians, at a meeting of the United Nations Security Council.

The latest round of conflict has resulted in massive civilian casualties and a humanitarian crisis. Its spillover effects have impacted regional peace and stability. China is deeply concerned about this, said Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations.

USA: Russia proposes to amend Brazil-drafted UN Security Council resolution on Middle East

UNITED NATIONS, October 16. /TASS/: Russia has proposed two amendments to Brazil’s draft UN Security Council resolution on the Middle East, namely condemning indiscriminate strikes on the Gaza Strip and a call for a humanitarian ceasefire, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said.

USA: Hamas critique removed from Palestinians' Abbas comments on Israel attack

New York Oct 15 (Reuters) - The Palestinian Authority's official news agency published comments on Sunday by President Mahmoud Abbas that criticized Hamas over its actions but later removed reference to the militant group without providing an explanation.

The comments, published by WAFA on its website, came during a phone call between Abbas and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. The two discussed Israel's bombardment of Gaza following Hamas' deadly rampage through Israeli cities.

Russia requests voting for resolution on Middle East on October 16

UNITED NATIONS, October 15. /TASS/: Russia has requested voting in the UN Security Council on its resolution on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on October 16, First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky wrote on the X social network.

"Just an update on our draft of humanitarian resolution on Gaza. We circulated it among the members of the Security Council yesterday and asked for a vote on Monday," Polyansky said.

USA: Iran warns of 'far-reaching consequences' if Israel not stopped

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 14 (Reuters) - Iran warned in a social media post on Saturday that if Israel's "war crimes and genocide" are not stopped then the situation could spiral out of control with "far-reaching consequences."

The post on X by Iran's mission to the United Nations came after Axios reported Tehran warned Israel - in a message sent via the U.N. - that it would have to respond if Israel carries out a ground offensive in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

The Israel-Hamas war has roiled US campuses. Students on each side say colleges aren’t doing enough

New York (AP) — America’s colleges aspire to be places where ideas meet and common ground emerges. As the death toll rises in the Israel-Hamas war, they have become seats of anguish.

Many Jewish students and their allies, some with family and friends in Israel, have demanded bold reckonings and strong condemnation after the attacks by Hamas militants, who stormed from the blockaded Gaza Strip into nearby Israeli towns, killing and abducting civilians and soldiers.

USA: Russia urges UNSC to call for immediate ceasefire in Middle East

UNITED NATIONS, October 14. /TASS/: Moscow suggests that the UN Security Council call for an immediate ceasefire in the Middle East, according to a Russia-proposed resolution.

The document says that it is possible to ensure a long-term solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict only through peaceful means. Russia called for an immediate and long-term ceasefire that all parties would respect.

A Russia-proposed United Nations Security Resolution made available to TASS calls for an immediate release of hostages.

USA: Palestinian Envoy Asks UN Chief To Do More For Gaza

UNITED NATIONS/AMMAN/RAMALLAH, Oct 14 (NNN-XINHUA/PETRA/WAFA) – Palestine’s ambassador to the United Nations, Riyad Mansour, appealed to UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, yesterday, to do more to alleviate the tragedy in Gaza.

Mansour, speaking right before the UN Security Council held closed-door consultations on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, said, ambassadors from the Arab Group will meet with Guterres and asked him to do more.

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