New York

USA: Judge in Trump’s NY civil fraud case stands by $10,000 fine despite fresh objections from lawyers

NEW YORK (AP) — A judge on Thursday reaffirmed Donald Trump’s $10,000 fine over an out-of-court comment during Trump’s New York civil business fraud trial, a penalty the former president’s lawyers argued was unfair and unconstitutional.

Judge Arthur Engoron fined Trump on Wednesday after finding that his comments to TV cameras outside the courtroom violated a limited gag order. It bars participants in the trial from commenting publicly on the judge’s staff.

Israel's military tells UN in Gaza: ask Hamas for fuel

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 24 (Reuters) - Israel's military suggested on Tuesday that the United Nations ask Hamas for fuel supplies after the U.N. agency providing aid to Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip warned it would have to halt operations on Wednesday night if no fuel was delivered.

The agency, known as UNRWA, posted its warning on social media on Tuesday. The Israel Defense Forces reposted it and said that Hamas militants have more than 500,000 litres of fuel in tanks inside besieged Gaza.

"Ask Hamas if you can have some," the IDF wrote.

Peaceful, cooperative U.S.-China relationship essential for world, says Kissinger

NEW YORK, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- "A peaceful relationship, a cooperative relationship between the U.S. and China is essential for peace and progress of the world," said former U.S. Secretary of State Dr. Henry A. Kissinger on Tuesday.

"I'm confident all of you here agree that peace and progress between China and the U.S. is in the self-interest of each country and of the world," said Kissinger in his speech after being honored at the annual Gala Dinner of The National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR) in New York City.

Trump’s remark outside court draws judge’s notice as Cohen returns to the stand in the fraud trial

NEW YORK (AP) — Michael Cohen returned to the witness stand Wednesday in his ex-boss Donald Trump’s civil business fraud trial as the former president’s defense team tried to undermine the credibility and question the motives of his onetime personal attorney turned adversary.

Outside the courtroom, Trump’s commentary led the judge to weigh whether Trump had violated a limited gag order imposed earlier in the case.

USA: Donald Trump’s lawyers question Michael Cohen in the former president’s civil business fraud trial

NEW YORK (AP) — Michael Cohen returned to the witness stand Wednesday in his ex-boss Donald Trump’s civil business fraud trial as the former president’s defense team tried to undermine the credibility and question the motives of his onetime personal attorney turned adversary.

With Trump in court, his lawyer Alina Habba confronted Cohen with comments he had made on social media, in interviews and during congressional testimony praising Trump, before turning on him, when Cohen’s legal problems started in 2018.

USA: Only two-state solution can ensure peace in Middle East, UN secretary general says

UNITED NATIONS, October 24. /TASS/: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said the only realistic foundation for peace and stability in the Middle East is coexistence of Israeli and Palestinian states.

"Even in this moment of grave and immediate danger, we cannot lose sight of the only realistic foundation for a true peace and stability: a two-State solution," he said at UN Security Council debate dedicated to the situation in the Middle East.

USA: Donald Trump returns to civil fraud trial, with fixer-turned-foe Michael Cohen set to testify

NEW YORK (AP) — Michael Cohen once proclaimed he’d “take a bullet” for Donald Trump. Now, after breaking with the former president amid his own legal troubles, the fixer-turned-foe is poised to testify against his old boss Tuesday as a key witness at the civil fraud trial that threatens to upend Trump’s real estate empire and wealthy image.

USA: JetBlue plane tilts back after landing at JFK Airport in New York but no injuries are reported

NEW YORK (AP) — JetBlue officials say a plane rocked back with its nose pointed skyward after landing at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport because of a shift in weight on the aircraft.

Videos posted on social media show Flight 662 from Bridgetown, Barbados, at the passenger gate and tilted backward at about a 30-degree angle after landing Sunday night.

USA: Sen. Menendez returns to New York court to enter plea to new conspiracy charge

NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez returns to court Monday to enter an expected not guilty plea to a conspiracy charge alleging he acted as an agent of the Egyptian government when he chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Menendez, 69, was scheduled to appear in the afternoon before Judge Sidney H. Stein at federal court in Manhattan.

US submits with UN Security Council draft resolution on Middle East settlement

UN, October 22. /TASS/: The United States has submitted with the United Nations Security Council a draft resolution on the Middle East settlement, a source in the global organization told TASS.

According to the wording of the document obtained by TASS, the US draft resolution does not stipulate a call for the ceasefire. There are provisions in the document condemning the Hamas attack, urging the release of hostages and supporting Israel's right to defend itself.

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