New York

US plans $325 million Ukraine aid announcement for Zelenskiy visit, official says

NEW YORK, Sept 20 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden plans to announce a $325 million military aid package for Ukraine on Thursday to coincide with a visit to Washington by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a U.S. official said on Wednesday on condition of anonymity.

The weapons aid package was expected to include the second tranche of cluster munitions fired by a 155 millimeter Howitzer cannon, the U.S official said.

USA: EU to ask China at UN to push Russia towards 'just peace' in Ukraine

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 20 (Reuters) - European Council President Charles Michel will ask China directly at the United Nations Security Council to do more to push Russia towards a "just peace" in Ukraine, according to his draft speech seen by Reuters at the UNGA.

At the Security Council meeting held on Wednesday during the annual high-level U.N. General Assembly in New York, Michel will call for "a just peace that respects the U.N. Charter and its core principles — the territorial integrity of a sovereign nation."

USA: Biden’s Democratic allies intensify pressure for asylum-seekers to get work permits

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — As more than 100,000 migrants arrived in New York City over the past year after crossing the border from Mexico, Mayor Eric Adams and Gov. Kathy Hochul have begged President Joe Biden for one thing, above all others, to ease the crisis:

“Let them work,” both Democrats have said repeatedly in speeches and interviews.

USA: As UN Security Council takes up Ukraine, a potentially dramatic meeting may be at hand

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — All eyes will be on Ukraine’s president and Russia’s top diplomat at a U.N. Security Council meeting Wednesday: Will they clash? Will they speak? Will they avoid each other entirely?

The meeting’s topic is deeply relevant to those questions: It’s about upholding the U.N. Charter in Ukraine. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres minced no words this week in reiterating that Russia’s February 2022 invasion of its smaller neighbor violated the charter’s underpinning -- that the 193 U.N. member nations respect each others’ sovereignty and territorial integrity.

USA: Israel’s Netanyahu will meet Biden in New York. The location is seen as a sign of US displeasure

NEW YORK (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to have his long-coveted meeting with President Joe Biden on Wednesday — bringing together the two leaders for the first time since the Israeli leader took office at the helm of his country’s far-right government late last year.

USA: Pakistan, Norwegian FM agree to strengthen bilateral cooperation

NEW YORK, Sep 19 (APP): Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani and his Norwegian counterpart Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt have agreed to work towards the enhancement of bilateral cooperation.

In a meeting held on the margins of the 78th UNGA Session in New York, both sides appreciated 75 years of Pakistan-Norway friendship.

Both foreign ministers expressed satisfaction on the exchange of ministerial visits between both countries during the first half of 2023 and emphasized increasing the volume of exchange of visits and regular interactions.

USA: Malaysian Pm Anwar To Meet Foreign Counterparts On Sideline Of United Nations Meeting

NEW YORK, Sept 19 (NNN-Bernama) — Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim will meet leaders from at least five countries, and captain of industries during his working visit here as he continues efforts to strengthen Malaysia’s international standing and lure investment to the country. 

Malaysian Foreign Minister Zambry Abd Kadir said Anwar, who is scheduled to deliver National Statement at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Friday, will hold bilateral meetings with leaders from Turkiye, Iran, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Iraq. 

USA: World leaders reaffirm commitment to SDGs

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 18 (Xinhua) -- World leaders on Monday reaffirmed their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the SDG summit, which is being held on the sidelines of this year's general debate of the General Assembly.

In a political declaration adopted at the summit, the leaders reaffirmed their commitment to "effectively implement the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs and uphold all principles enshrined in it."

USA: Biden tells a Broadway theater packed for fundraiser that Trump is determined to destroy the nation

NEW YORK (AP) — President Joe Biden on Monday told a packed Broadway theater full of big-name stars hosting a fundraiser in his honor that he was running for reelection because Donald Trump was determined to destroy the nation.

Democracy is at stake, he told the audience at the Lunt-Fontanne Theater. Hate groups have been emboldened, he said. Books are being banned. Children go to school fearing shootings.

Most Americans view Israel as a partner, but fewer see it as sharing US values, AP-NORC poll shows

NEW YORK (AP) — As President Joe Biden prepares to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week in New York, a new poll finds that while Americans generally view Israel as a partner or ally, many question whether his far-right government shares American values.

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