
Egypt condemns recent Israel attacks on Palestine

24 Apr 2021; MEMO: Egypt today condemned attacks and provocative actions by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem since the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.

"Egypt condemns the acts of violence and provocation carried out by extremist Jewish groups targeting the Palestinian brothers residing in the Old City of East Jerusalem which has resulted in the injury of dozens of civilians," the Egyptian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

UN: Participation of Jerusalemites in Palestine elections 'very important'

24 Apr 2021; MEMO: The United Nations (UN) has reiterated the importance of all Palestinians in all occupied Palestinian territories participating in the elections, Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for the UN secretary-general, told journalists on Thursday.

Hamas warns against postponing Palestine elections

23 Apr 2021; MEMO: Deputy head of Hamas' political bureau, Khalil Al-Hayya yesterday warned against postponing the Palestinian legislative elections scheduled for 22 May, saying it would push the Palestinian people into the unknown.

Al-Hayya, who heads the movement's list in the elections, said the postponement "will generate great frustration among the masses and youth", warning that "the postponement will complicate the situation and perpetuate division".

Israel approves seizure of 35 acres of Palestine lands in Bethlehem

 23 Apr 2021; MEMO: Israeli occupation authorities have approved the seizure of 147 dunums (35 acres) of Palestinian-owned land west of the city of Bethlehem in the southern occupied West Bank, the Wafa news agency reported.

The Director of the Wall and Settlement Resistance Commission office in Bethlehem, Hassan Brijieh, said the seized lands belong to Palestinians in the Nahalin and Husan villages, southwest and west of Bethlehem respectively.

Israel detains 26 Palestinian journalists for reporting news on social media

 22 Apr 2021; MEMO: As many as 26 Palestinian journalists are currently detained by Israel for publishing news on social media.

In a statement, the Hamas-run government media office in Gaza said Israel is practicing the most heinous attacks Palestinian journalists and media professionals.

Journalists have been harassed, tortured and fined, the statement said. Bushra Al-Tawil was among those detained.

Israeli police clash with Palestinian crowd in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Apr 19 (AP-PTI) Israeli police clashed with hundreds of Palestinian protesters outside Jerusalem's Old City, firing stun grenades and a water cannon to disperse the crowd, Israeli media said.

Similar clashes have occurred nightly since the Muslim holy month of Ramadan began last week.

Palestinians say they typically gather on the stairs outside the Old City's Damascus Gate each evening during Ramadan but that this year Israeli police put up barriers to keep away the crowds.

'Occupation violations against Al-Aqsa herald a massive uprising': Hamas

18 Apr 2021; MEMO: The Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas has called on the Palestinian people to march towards Al-Aqsa Mosque and stay in its squares during the blessed month of Ramadan, protect it from the ongoing Israeli aggressions, and confront its vandalism.

Israel prevents non-vaccinated Palestinians from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque

17 Apr 2021; MEMO: Israeli occupation authorities have prevented thousands of Palestinian worshippers from the occupied West Bank from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque on the first Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Arab48 reported.

According to the news website, the Israeli authorities set a condition for the worshippers from the occupied territories to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to obtain access to the Muslim holy site.

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