Human Rights

India: CRPF jawan held for raping tribal woman in Chhattisgarh

Sukma, Jul 30 (PTI) A 21-year-old tribal woman was allegedly raped by a CRPF jawan in Chhattisgarhs insurgency- hit Sukma district, police said on Thursday.

The accused, identified as Dulichand, a constable, was arrested on Thursday based on a complaint lodged by the victim and her parents, Inspector General of Police (Bastar range) Sundarraj P said.

The alleged incident took place near Dubbakota camp of the paramilitary forces under Dornapal police station area on July 27 when the victim had gone to graze cattle, he said.

India: Minor raped by 3 men in Uttar Pradesh

Muzaffarnagar, July 31 (PTI) A 15-year-old girl was allegedly raped by three men in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar, police said on Friday.

According to a complaint lodged by the girl's family, the accused abducted the minor on Thursday when she had gone out of her house to throw garbage in the village dump yard.

They allegedly took the girl to a forest and took turns to rape her, SHO of Bhopa police station Sanjeev Kumar said, adding that one of the three men recorded a video of the incident.

India: Sajad Gani Lone released from year-long detention without charge

Srinagar, Jul 31 (PTI) Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Conference (JKPC) chairman Sajad Gani Lone was on Friday released from nearly a year-long detention, officials said.

Lone was released days ahead of the first anniversary of the Centre's move to revoke Article 370 of the Constitution in August last year, the officials said.

India: SC directs Centre to ensure salaries paid to doctors on time

New Delhi, Jul 31 (PTI) Maharashtra, Punjab, Karnataka and Tripura are yet to follow directives on timely payment of salaries to healthcare workers engaged in COVID-19, the Centre on Friday told the Supreme Court, which said it cannot be "helpless" in implementing the directions.

The court directed the Centre to issue necessary directions for releasing salaries of doctors and frontline healthcare workers engaged in COVID-19 duty on time.

USA Prosecutor: No charges for white police officer in Michael Brown’s death

CLAYTON, Mo. (AP) — St. Louis County’s prosecutor announced Thursday that he will not charge the former police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, a dramatic decision that could reopen old wounds amid a renewed and intense national conversation about racial injustice and the police treatment of people of color.

India: Ram temple event at demolished mosque site: Priest, 14 Cops test corona positive

Ayodhya; 30 July 2020 (UMMN): One priest and 14 policemen on duty at Ayodhya's Ram Janam bhoomi complex have tested corona positive where PM Narendra Modi is expected to attend the ceremony along with 50 VIPs on August 5.

Pradeep Das, assistant to the chief priest at the makeshift temple was tested positive. 14 policemen tested positive were either on permanent or roster duty.

Israel protesters accuse Netanyahu of inciting against them

30 July 2020; MEMO: Black Flag movement protesters in Israel have accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Public Security Minister Amir Ohana of inciting against them, Arab48 reported yesterday.

Local news reported “attackers, dressed in black, threw stones, glass bottles and pepper-sprayed some of the protesters who had walked from Ohana’s home to the Ayalon Highway, briefly blocking parts of it. The group began beating the demonstrators suddenly and without any provocation.”

Libya complains to UNSC condemning Egypt, UAE of supporting aggression

30 July 2020; MEMO: Libya’s delegate to the United Nations (UN) Taher Al-Sunni criticised the selectivity of the UN sanctions committees, stressing their ineffectiveness in stopping violations and agency to some countries that aim to achieve political goals in his country.

Japan court recognizes atomic bomb 'black rain' victims

Tokyo, Jul 30 (AP/PTI) A Japanese court on Wednesday for the first time recognized people exposed to radioactive "black rain" that fell after the 1945 US atomic attack on Hiroshima as atomic bomb survivors, ordering the city and the prefecture to provide the same government medical benefits as given to other survivors.

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