Human Rights

London police tactics at vigil for slain woman draw scrutiny

London, Mar 14 (AP-PTI) London's police department is under scrutiny for the way officers handled some participants at an unofficial vigil Saturday night for a London woman whose death led to murder charges against a fellow officer and spurred a national conversation about violence against women in the UK.

Hundreds of people disregarded a judge's ruling and police requests by gathering at Clapham Common in honour of Sarah Everard, 33, who last was seen alive near the south London park on March 3.

India: UP STF arrests PFI 'training commander'

Gorakhpur (UP), Mar 14 (PTI) Police in Uttar Pradesh have arrested a man whom they alleged to be a training commander of the Popular Front of India (PFI).

Mohammad Rashid was apprehended from near Basti railway station in Basti district of the state when he was trying to go to Mumbai via Lucknow to take part in the upcoming meetings or training sessions of the PFI, the Uttar Pradesh Police's Special Task Force (STF) said on Sunday.

India: Ambulance drivers allegedly duping patients

Kanpur: Although there was applied tough measures to check the deviant ways of the ambulance drivers yet they are allegedly once again making money from the hapless patients.

They not only entice them of better treatment at private nursing homes, on lesser amount but also earn enough money in the process.They formulate their own peculiar ways to negotiate with the poor crying patients.

Initiating strict action against them, Dr R B Kamal, principal, Ganesh Shanker Vidyarthi Medical College, had  put a control on their unfair acts. But they have become active now badly.

UN rights body calls on Egypt to end prosecution of activists

13 Mar 2021; MEMO: Western countries today called on Egypt to end the prosecution of activists, journalists and perceived political opponents under counter-terrorism laws and to unconditionally release them, Reuters reported.

The United States, which has observer status at the UN Human Rights Council, was among 31 signatories of the joint statement on Egypt, the first since 2014, which called on the government to lift curbs on freedoms of expression and assembly.

New mass grave found in Libya's Tarhouna stronghold of Khalifa Haftar

11 Mar 2021; MEMO: A new mass grave has been found in the Libyan city of Tarhouna, located to the south of Tripoli, the Libyan government has said.

Tarhouna was a stronghold of militia affiliated with renegade General Khalifa Haftar, the self-proclaimed military strongman who launched an armed insurgency against the internationally-recognised government in the country.

Egypt's ex-vice president decries detentions without trial

11 Mar 2021; MEMO: Egypt's former vice president on Wednesday criticised the country's authorities for holding people in detention without trial.

"It is painful that Ziad [Al-Alimi] and his countless colleagues languish in prisons without trial, facing accusations of terrorism. They are the future of Egypt and it is dangerous to kill hope in their souls," Mohamed ElBaradei said on Twitter.

As the law says, justice delayed is justice denied, he added.

Roger Waters urges Stevie Wonder not to accept prize from 'apartheid' Israel

11 Mar 2021; MEMO: Roger Waters has urged fellow music legend Stevie Wonder not to accept Israel's Wolf Prize, which is normally given to those who have made outstanding contributions to the arts and sciences. The American singer-songwriter was awarded the prize in February by the Wolf Foundation, a state-owned entity, and will be required to travel to the occupation state for the award ceremony.

EasyJet pays damages to woman forced to move by ultra-Orthodox Jewish men

11 Mar 2021; MEMO: EasyJet has paid compensation to a woman who was forced to move twice on flights from Tel Aviv to London after ultra-Orthodox Jewish men said they did not want to sit next to a woman.

Thirty-eight-year-old Melanie Wolfson was asked if she would swap seats with a man a few rows ahead of her so that she would not be sitting next to an ultra-Orthodox man and his son.

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