Human Rights

Israel prevents urgent medical equipment entering Gaza

24 Jan 2022; MEMO: Israeli occupation authorities have prevented medical equipment and spare parts from entering the besieged Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza said yesterday.

Speaking at a press conference held near to Erez crossing, north of Gaza, Director of the Medical Imaging Unit at the Ministry of Health, Ibrahim Abbas, said: "The Israeli occupation prevents Palestinians from accessing proper treatment inside and outside Gaza."

Israel: court refuses to rule on return of family to Sheikh Jarrah home

24 Jan 2022; MEMO: Israel's Central Court refused to rule on Sunday on the return of the Salehiyah family to their home in occupied Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood, Sama news agency has reported. The building was demolished by the Israeli occupation police after family members and supporters were evicted by force last Wednesday.

Israel: Arab citizens call for protest against persecution of Negev residents

24 Jan 2022; MEMO: The Arab High Follow-Up Committee representing Palestinian citizens of Israel, has called for a protest in front of the Cabinet Office in West Jerusalem against the seizure of Arab-owned land in the Negev desert by the Jewish National Fund. Other protest activities, said the committee, will include sit-ins and awareness meetings in Arab towns and villages within the occupation state.

Assad regime tortured over 653 Palestinian refugees to death since 2011

23 Jan 2022; MEMO: The total number of Palestinian refugees tortured to death by the regime of Bashar al-Assad since the beginning of the Syrian revolution has risen to 653, a rights group has reported.

According to statistics released by the Action Group for Palestinians in Syria (AGPS), four Palestinian refugees died under torture in the Syrian regime's vast prison network last year, bringing the total number to 653 throughout the course of the ongoing decade-long conflict.

Israeli minister slams settler violence as 'terrorism'

23 Jan 2022; MEMO: Israeli Public Security Minister Omer Barlev on Sunday described settler attacks against Palestinians as "actions of a terror organisation", Anadolu Agency reported.

Barlev was referring to settler assaults on Friday against activists near the Burin village in the occupied West Bank, where 10 activists were injured, including four Israelis.

Hundreds protest in London against demolition of homes in Sheikh Jarrah

22 Jan 2022; MEMO: Hundreds of protesters demonstrated in front of the Israeli embassy in London yesterday calling for an end to the demolition of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem. The protest in solidarity with residents of Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood was organised by the Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB), Friends of al Aqsa (FOA), Muslim Association in Britain (MAB), CND, Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and Stop the War coalition.

UN chief hopes for peaceful resolution of Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan

United Nations, Jan 22 (PTI) UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has said that he hopes the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan can be solved peacefully.

Well, the position of the UN and the resolutions that were taken are the same, remain the same. We have, as you know, a peacekeeping operation there. We are, of course, committed, Guterres said on Friday.

Israel settlers uproot hundreds of Palestinian's olive trees in West Bank

22 Jan 2022; MEMO: Israeli settlers have uprooted 400 olive trees in the Palestinian occupied West Bank village of Deir Sharaf on Friday, witnesses have said.

One of the witnesses, Ghassan Daghlas, monitors Israeli colonial settlement violations in the northern West Bank and explained that the settlers broke into a plot of land known as Al-Harayek and chopped down the trees.

2008 Gaza war's effects continue to resonate for Palestinian resistance, says expert

21 Jan 2022; MEMO: Saad Wahidi still remembers the day in 2008 when he was trying to rescue his family from Israeli fires by moving them to his uncle's home, where he believed it would be safer, Anadolu News Agency reports.

"The distance between the two houses is passed in two minutes, but at the time, it felt like a year," he told Anadolu Agency.

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