Human Rights

USA: FBI confirms it bought spyware from Israel's NSO Group

03 Feb 2022; MEMO: The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confirmed yesterday that it had purchased the Pegasus spyware, developed by Israel's military spyware firm the NSO Group in 2019, but denied ever using it.

In a statement to the Guardian, the FBI said it purchased the hacking software in order to "stay abreast of emerging technologies and tradecraft."

Israel police hacked phone of person involved ex-PM case

03 Feb 2022; MEMO: Israel police hacked the phone of one of the central suspects in the corruption case filed against former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, local media reported yesterday.

Channel 13 said that the disclosure of the hacking had come as part of the "investigations carried out by the Israeli justice minister about the police's misuse of cyber security programmes built by the Israeli company, NSO Group.

14 Israel rights groups jump to Amnesty's defence following apartheid report

04 Feb 2022; MEMO: Fourteen Israeli NGOs and human rights groups has signed a statement in support of Amnesty International, condemning the "vicious" attack on the rights group sparked by the recent publication of a report which labelled Israel an apartheid state.

14 Israel rights groups jump to Amnesty's defence following apartheid report

04 Feb 2022; MEMO: Fourteen Israeli NGOs and human rights groups has signed a statement in support of Amnesty International, condemning the "vicious" attack on the rights group sparked by the recent publication of a report which labelled Israel an apartheid state.

Volunteers' group targets Facebook for suppressing Palestinian content

04 Feb 2022; MEMO: A Palestinian group of volunteers that monitors Facebook has raised an alarm that the social media platform was increasingly blocking and suppressing the content posted by Palestinian journalists, activists and influencers, Anadolu News Agency reports.

DAWN calls upon the US to sanction Egyptian officials involved in spying on critics

04 Feb 2022; MEMO: Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) has called on the US State Department to take urgent action to sanction Egyptian government officials involved in spying on critics of the Egyptian government residing in the United States.

Turkiye calls for international probe on Greek push backs after migrant deaths near border

04 Feb 2022; MEMO: Turkiye called on the international community on Friday to investigate Greek pushbacks of irregular migrants after at least 19 froze to death at the border between the two countries, Anadolu News Agency reports.

"The #EU keeps silent in the face of Greece's cruel practices against irregular migrants & turns a deaf ear to our calls," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Twitter.

Another Israeli spyware firm exploited Apple flaw to hack into iPhones

04 Feb 2022; MEMO: Another Israeli-based spyware firm used vulnerability in Apple's security to hack into iPhones, Reuters reports.

QuaDream, according to five people familiar with the issue, is a smaller and lower profile Israeli firm that develops Smartphone hacking tools intended for government clients.

India: Kashmiri killed by Indian Sec Forces in Shopian district of Indian Administered Kashmir

Srinagar, 02 February 2022: Another Kashmiri was killed on Wednesday by Indian security forces in Nadigam village area of Shopian district of the Indian Administered Kashmir, Indian officials said.

The slained  Kashmiri has been identified as Umar Ishfaq Malik.

Amnesty will do everything possible to expose Israel's apartheid system

03 Feb 2022; MEMO: Secretary-General of Amnesty International, Agnes Callamard, said yesterday that the organisation will do everything possible to expose Israel's practices of apartheid, Wafa news agency reported.

During a meeting with Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah, Callamard and Abbas discussed the report and pledged to take further steps in cooperation with other countries.

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