Uttar Pradesh

India: Four held for allegedly bothering a teenager in Kanpur's Chakeri area

Kanpur: A group of four youths have been arrested for allegedly molesting a teenager and trying to abduct her in a car in the Chakeri police area.The incident happened on Thursday evening.

Hearing the screams of the victim, passers-by managed to stop the car and nabbed the accused. After beating, they were handed over to the police.

According to the father of the teenager, his 16-year-old daughter is pursuing intermediate at a local college.

India: Kanpurites finding no signs of showers up to July 20

Kanpur: The meteorologists have predicted no sign of the showers up to the next week.

With the sultry heat, the night temperature has started rising again.

The maximum temperature crossed 39 degrees celsius on Wednesday and the minimum temperature remained at 29° C.

This situation was created due to the strong sunlight coming from the Bay of Bengal and the movement of clouds.

The Meteorological Department has forecast no relief till July 20.

India: Some students avoid pursuing instructions about school dress

Kanpur: Some of the students make fun of themselves when they did not reach school by wearing white shirt and blue pants today.

As the first-periodic test is going on at a co-educational school in the Jajmau area, the students were told to wear a regular dress.

So the students avoided wearing the yellow T-shirt and white pants on Wednesday. 

However, those who reached school wearing the particular dress of yellow T-shirts and white pants felt awkward.

They told that very few students were putting on the Wednesday dress.

India: Kanpurites fret and fume at delay in monsoon

Kanpur: No rain, no relief from harsh weather, no way appears. Everyone here expects rain but residents look hopeless.

One disclosed that not only this district is deprived of rains but the similar weather persists in the Ballia district too.

As has been known a family who went to one village in Ballia district to observe Eid did not stay and thought it better to return to Kanpur's Jajmau area.

This particular area used to receive scant rains, as residents point out. When the rains are awaited there occurs no rains, they add.

India: Neighbour's gesture surprises school boy in Jajmau

Kanpur: Jajmau's posh school is not too far from the populated area but the students like to go by either the two-wheeler or the four-wheeler.

Going by cycle remains in practice among the students even today. Nevertheless, none desires to go on foot despite the distance of the school happens to be not more than barely half a kilometre.

This is a big change in the students' attitudes. Due to the presence of cars in front of the school's main gate, the jam cannot be avoided almost daily. 

India: Will Kanpur be called India's Las Vegas in days to come?

Kanpur: The city's holy river gives a different look. Side by side the construction of the metro, and proposed five and seven-star hotels add beauty to the city's grandeur. There is the aroma of delicious cuisine from restaurants.

India's Las Vegas will soon be Kanpur. Where there is nightlife, where there are beautiful views, where there are resorts and where there is the aroma of delicious cuisine from restaurants.

Similar scenes have started appearing in Kanpur as well. This has become possible. on account of Boat Club and nightlife here.

India: What does a person feel when asked, do you have a mobile?

Kanpur: The time he picked up speed to move swiftly, a mature girl student approaching him asked for the mobile. "Do you have a phone?" Asked the veiled girl. No, said the young man. Verily, he felt no qualm in aptly uttering the truth. He was not acquiring a mobile phone at that very particular time. The initial gaze communication was there, or so the man thought. The girl's question was not premeditated but abruptly raised in need.

India: Three die due to inhaling poisonous gas in Kanpur's Bilhaur

Kanpur: Three people died in a painful accident in the Bilhaur police station area of ​​Kanpur.

Among them, 4 people including two brothers came down to save the buffalo that fell into the well.

Three out of 4 died due to inhalation of poisonous gas in the well. The police had pulled everyone out of the well with the help of the villagers.

According to the information,  Mevalal living in Gauri village of Bilhaur police station area found his buffalo falling into the well at around 7 pm on Sunday. 

India: Not goats but its fodder (dry leaves) vanishing sooner from sale in Jajmau

Kanpur: The theory of demand and supply gets blew up on the roadside sale of the dry leaves that the goats love to eat. Goats are abundant but fodder stock for goats are vanishing sooner.

The demand for green goolar leaves suddenly rises as the goat's purchasers needed the leaves for feeding the sacrificial animals.

It is for the first time there was glimpsed a different scene in the Jajmau area. The stock of the sellers soon vanished due to higher demand. 

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